Modelo ProLab: BOPPI, una propuesta sostenible de implementación de un Marketplace integrado a WhatsApp para impulsar las ventas en el canal digital en las bodegas de la ciudad de Lima Metropolitana
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La identificaciòn del problema social relevante, los insights y el planteamiento de la
propuesta de solución se realizó a travès de los marcos de trabajo de innovaciòn y agilidad,
con el objetivo de generar un modelo de negocio sostenible con impacto en todos los
stakeholders involucrados en el ecosistema del sector bodeguero. La solución propuesta se
llama BOPPI, el cual es un marketplace integrado a Whatsapp, donde se podrá realizar la
gestión de pedidos y ventas para el canal digital. Permitiendo a los bodegueros ganar
mayor exposición de sus negocios y conectar con nuevos clientes, e incrementar sus ventas
y rentabilidad.
Durante el proceso de diseño se realizaron diferentes ejercicios de validación de
hipótesis y pruebas de usabilidad de los prototipos, enfocadas en certificar la deseabilidad,
factibilidad y viabilidad de la propuesta de solución. Donde, se buscaba conocer la
disposición de los bodegueros para usar y pagar por una herramienta tecnológica que
incremente sus ventas en el canal digital. Mientras que las pruebas de usabilidad
permitieron comprender y mejorar la experiencia de los usuarios. El proyecto tiene
impacto en el ODS Nº8. Debido a que el 67% del sector bodeguero está liderado por
En cuanto a la generación de valor financiero, se proyecta un incremento en las
ventas del 10% (s/16,000 soles) anual por cada bodega en el primer año. Referente a la
inversión CAPEX, será de s/407,000 soles (80% por aportes del equipo de investigación y el
20% por financiamiento bancario). El gasto inicial para cubrir la activación del proyecto
será de s/320,000 soles para el primer año. Además, se proyecta un VAN económico de
s/6.3 millones de soles, un VAN financiero de s/5.5 millones de soles, y una TIR del 50%.
Finalmente, el VAN Social es de s/200 millones de soles, apalancados en los beneficios
sociales cuantificables como son: brecha salarial de género, reducción del consumo de
energía eléctrica y emisiones de CO2.
The identification of the relevant social problem, the insights and the approach to the solution proposal were carried out through the innovation and agility frameworks, with the objective of generating a sustainable business model with impact on all the stakeholders involved in the ecosystem of the winery sector. The proposed solution is called BOPPI, which is a marketplace integrated with WhatsApp, where order and sales management can be carried out for the digital channel. Allowing winemakers to gain greater exposure for their businesses and connect with new customers, and increase their sales and profitability. During the design process, different hypothesis validation exercises and usability tests of the prototypes were carried out, focused on certifying the desirability, feasibility and viability of the solution proposal. Where, we sought to know the willingness of winemakers to use and pay for a technological tool that increases their sales in the digital channel. While usability testing allowed us to understand and improve the user experience. The project has an impact on SDG No. 8. Because 67% of the winery sector is led by women. Regarding the generation of financial value, an annual increase in sales of 10% (s/16,000 soles) is projected for each winery in the first year. Regarding the CAPEX investment, it will be S/407,000 soles (80% for contributions from the research team and 20% for bank financing). The initial expense to cover the activation of the project will be s/320,000 soles for the first year. In addition, an economic NPV of s/6.3 million soles, a financial NPV of s/5.5 million soles, and an IRR of 50% are projected. Finally, the Social NPV is S/200 millions of soles, leveraged on quantifiable social benefits such as: gender wage gap, reduction in electricity consumption and CO2 emissions.
The identification of the relevant social problem, the insights and the approach to the solution proposal were carried out through the innovation and agility frameworks, with the objective of generating a sustainable business model with impact on all the stakeholders involved in the ecosystem of the winery sector. The proposed solution is called BOPPI, which is a marketplace integrated with WhatsApp, where order and sales management can be carried out for the digital channel. Allowing winemakers to gain greater exposure for their businesses and connect with new customers, and increase their sales and profitability. During the design process, different hypothesis validation exercises and usability tests of the prototypes were carried out, focused on certifying the desirability, feasibility and viability of the solution proposal. Where, we sought to know the willingness of winemakers to use and pay for a technological tool that increases their sales in the digital channel. While usability testing allowed us to understand and improve the user experience. The project has an impact on SDG No. 8. Because 67% of the winery sector is led by women. Regarding the generation of financial value, an annual increase in sales of 10% (s/16,000 soles) is projected for each winery in the first year. Regarding the CAPEX investment, it will be S/407,000 soles (80% for contributions from the research team and 20% for bank financing). The initial expense to cover the activation of the project will be s/320,000 soles for the first year. In addition, an economic NPV of s/6.3 million soles, a financial NPV of s/5.5 million soles, and an IRR of 50% are projected. Finally, the Social NPV is S/200 millions of soles, leveraged on quantifiable social benefits such as: gender wage gap, reduction in electricity consumption and CO2 emissions.
Comercio electrónico, Bodegas--Perú--Lima Metropolitana
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