Informe sobre la Resolución 2080-2020/SPC-INDECOPI
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente Informe pretende realizar un análisis jurídico acerca de los problemas
advertidos en la Resolución 2080-2020/SPC-INDECOPI. Esta Resolución, está
directamente relacionada con la Protección al Consumidor en el ámbito de
servicios financieros. En específico, la señora Xener Nilda Quicaño de Arrieta
presentó una denuncia en contra del Banco BBVA Perú S.A., porque
presuntamente la entidad bancaria no habría cumplido con activar sus protocolos
de seguridad al momento de que le permitieron ser atendida en una ventanilla
preferencial junto a una tercera persona, quien la tenía bajo amenaza. Siendo
ello así, se habría provocado que se efectúe de manera indebida dos
operaciones, una disposición de efectivo y un retiro por cajero automático. Frente
a ello, el Informe se centrará en determinar si efectivamente la falta de
seguimiento de sus protocolos de seguridad del Banco provocaron que se lleve
a cabo tales operaciones. Para ello, se utilizará los métodos descriptivo,
comparado y analítico, que comprenderán la revisión de la normativa, doctrina y
jurisprudencia relacionada al tema controvertido. Así, a partir de un análisis
global de todos estos elementos, se podrá concluir que la falta de protocolos de
seguridad del Banco no fue una causal determinante para concluir que bajo su
efecto se realizarían necesariamente ambas operaciones
The purpose of this report is to provide a legal analysis of the problems identified in Resolution 2080-2020/SPC-INDECOPI. This Resolution is directly related to Consumer Protection in the area of financial services. Specifically, Mrs. Xener Nilda Quicaño de Arrieta filed a complaint against Banco BBVA Perú S.A., because the bank allegedly failed to activate its security protocols when she was allowed to be attended at a preferential window together with a third person, who had her under threat. This being so, it would have caused her to carry out two transactions in an improper manner, a cash withdrawal and a ATM withdrawal. In view of this, the Report will focus on determining whether the Bank's failure to follow its security protocols caused such transactions to be carried out. For this purpose, the descriptive, comparative and analytical methods will be used, which will include the review of the regulations, doctrine and jurisprudence related to the controversial issue. Thus, from a global analysis of all these elements, it will be possible to conclude that the lack of security protocols of the Bank was not a determining cause to conclude that under its effect both operations would necessarily be carried out
The purpose of this report is to provide a legal analysis of the problems identified in Resolution 2080-2020/SPC-INDECOPI. This Resolution is directly related to Consumer Protection in the area of financial services. Specifically, Mrs. Xener Nilda Quicaño de Arrieta filed a complaint against Banco BBVA Perú S.A., because the bank allegedly failed to activate its security protocols when she was allowed to be attended at a preferential window together with a third person, who had her under threat. This being so, it would have caused her to carry out two transactions in an improper manner, a cash withdrawal and a ATM withdrawal. In view of this, the Report will focus on determining whether the Bank's failure to follow its security protocols caused such transactions to be carried out. For this purpose, the descriptive, comparative and analytical methods will be used, which will include the review of the regulations, doctrine and jurisprudence related to the controversial issue. Thus, from a global analysis of all these elements, it will be possible to conclude that the lack of security protocols of the Bank was not a determining cause to conclude that under its effect both operations would necessarily be carried out
Instituto Nacional de Defensa de la Competencia y de la Protección de la Propiedad Intelectual (Perú), Protección del consumidor--Jurisprudencia--Perú, Servicios financieros--Perú
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