Informe jurídico sobre la sentencia de Casación N° 864- 2017/Nacional
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El informe jurídico se centra en la Casación N° 864-2017/Nacional donde se
desarrollan los presupuestos para declarar fundada una solicitud de reexamen
de incautación cautelar. Al respecto, el problema jurídico principal es que se
recurre al artículo 105° del Código Penal peruano que regula las consecuencias
accesorias contra la persona jurídica para analizar los presupuestos del
reexamen de incautación cautelar. De la revisión de doctrina y jurisprudencia se
llega a la conclusión de que se ha realizado un análisis impertinente que no
correspondía realizar en esta vía porque el artículo 105° del Código Penal tiene
una naturaleza jurídica distinta a lo que es materia del recurso que se centra en
un pedido de reexamen, así como se trata de un artículo que no es concordante
con la incautación cautelar ni con el decomiso.
En esa línea, la referencia a normativa impertinente ha generado que se pierda
la oportunidad de desarrollar los alcances del presupuesto del reexamen de
incautación referido al tercero adquiriente de buena fe en una investigación
seguida por el delito de lavado de activos. Este presupuesto merecía un análisis
de doctrina y jurisprudencia comparada y nacional expuestas en el presente
informe a efectos de desarrollar debidamente su contenido.
Finalmente, no existe sustento legislativo ni dogmático para referirse al “defecto
en la organización” como fundamento del artículo 105° del Código Penal
peruano, por lo que en el presente informe se plantea la diferenciación entre lo
establecido en el referido artículo respecto de lo que se pretende regular en la
Ley N° 30424 y sus modificatorias.
This legal report focuses on the Casación N° 864-2017-Nacional where the conditions for declaring granted a request for reexamination of precautionary seizure are developed. In this regard, the main legal problem is that article 105 of the Peruvian Criminal Code, which regulates the accessory consequences against legal persons, is used to analyze the conditions of the re-examination of precautionary seizure. From the review of doctrine and jurisprudence, it is concluded that an impertinent analysis has been made that was not appropriate to carry out in this way because article 105 of the Criminal Code has a different legal nature different to what is the subject of the appeal, which is focused on a request for reexamination, as well as it is an article that is not consistent with the precautionary seizure or forfeiture. Along these lines, the reference to impertinent regulations has generated the loss of the opportunity to develop the scope of the requirement of the reexamination of seizure referring to the third party acquirer in good faith in an investigation followed for the crime of money laundering. This condition deserved an analysis of comparative and national doctrine and jurisprudence exposed in this report in order to duly develop its content. Finally, there is no legislative or dogmatic support to refer to the “defect in the organization” as the basis of article 105 of the Peruvian Criminal Code, which is why this report proposes the differentiation between what is established in the aforementioned article with respect to what is intends to regulate in Law N° 30424 and its amendments.
This legal report focuses on the Casación N° 864-2017-Nacional where the conditions for declaring granted a request for reexamination of precautionary seizure are developed. In this regard, the main legal problem is that article 105 of the Peruvian Criminal Code, which regulates the accessory consequences against legal persons, is used to analyze the conditions of the re-examination of precautionary seizure. From the review of doctrine and jurisprudence, it is concluded that an impertinent analysis has been made that was not appropriate to carry out in this way because article 105 of the Criminal Code has a different legal nature different to what is the subject of the appeal, which is focused on a request for reexamination, as well as it is an article that is not consistent with the precautionary seizure or forfeiture. Along these lines, the reference to impertinent regulations has generated the loss of the opportunity to develop the scope of the requirement of the reexamination of seizure referring to the third party acquirer in good faith in an investigation followed for the crime of money laundering. This condition deserved an analysis of comparative and national doctrine and jurisprudence exposed in this report in order to duly develop its content. Finally, there is no legislative or dogmatic support to refer to the “defect in the organization” as the basis of article 105 of the Peruvian Criminal Code, which is why this report proposes the differentiation between what is established in the aforementioned article with respect to what is intends to regulate in Law N° 30424 and its amendments.
Medidas cautelares--Jurisprudencia--Perú, Tercero (Derecho)--Perú, Responsabilidad penal de las personas jurídicas--Jurisprudencia--Perú, Derecho procesal penal--Jurisprudencia--Perú, Derecho penal--Jurisprudencia--Perú
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