La importancia de una adecuada valoración de la responsabilidad subjetiva del empleador en accidentes de trabajo, con la finalidad de garantizar un debido cumplimiento en materia de prevención y resguardo de la Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo, a propósito de la Sentencia de Vista del Expediente N° 12712-2018-0-1801-JR-LA-18
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Este informe jurídico aborda el tema de la responsabilidad del empleador en casos de accidentes de trabajo, centrándose en el caso específico de Backus y el accidente sufrido por el trabajador Robert Santos Huamaní Ruiz. Se analizan los problemas principales y secundarios relacionados con la delimitación de la responsabilidad del empleador y se exploran aspectos clave como el cumplimiento de normas de seguridad y salud en el trabajo, la atribución de responsabilidad y la aplicación del artículo 53 de la Ley de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo.
Se destaca la importancia de no atribuir automáticamente la responsabilidad al empleador sin evaluar adecuadamente las pruebas y sin considerar el cumplimiento de sus obligaciones de prevención de riesgos laborales. Se enfatiza la necesidad de adoptar una responsabilidad subjetiva en lugar de una responsabilidad objetiva, a fin de garantizar un enfoque proporcional y razonable en la determinación de la responsabilidad del empleador.
Este informe se basa en las normas legales vigentes y los tratados internacionales ratificados por Perú, y busca proporcionar conclusiones fundamentadas y recomendaciones acordes a las circunstancias legales y jurisprudenciales pertinentes. Su objetivo es contribuir a un adecuado cumplimiento de las obligaciones de prevención y resguardo de la seguridad y salud en el trabajo, en beneficio de los trabajadores y de la protección de sus derechos laborales.
This legal report addresses the issue of employer liability in cases of work accidents, focusing on the specific case of Backus and the accident suffered by the worker Robert Santos Huamaní Ruiz. The main and secondary problems related to the delimitation of the employer's responsibility are analyzed and key aspects such as compliance with occupational health and safety regulations, the attribution of responsibility and the application of article 53 of the Law on Safety and Security are explored. Health at Work. The importance of not automatically attributing responsibility to the employer without adequately evaluating the evidence and without considering compliance with their occupational risk prevention obligations is highlighted. The need to adopt subjective liability instead of strict liability is emphasized, in order to ensure a proportionate and reasonable approach in determining the employer's liability. This report is based on current legal regulations and international treaties ratified by Peru, and seeks to provide well-founded conclusions and recommendations in accordance with the pertinent legal and jurisprudential circumstances. Its objective is to contribute to adequate compliance with the obligations of prevention and protection of safety and health at work, for the benefit of workers and the protection of their labor rights.
This legal report addresses the issue of employer liability in cases of work accidents, focusing on the specific case of Backus and the accident suffered by the worker Robert Santos Huamaní Ruiz. The main and secondary problems related to the delimitation of the employer's responsibility are analyzed and key aspects such as compliance with occupational health and safety regulations, the attribution of responsibility and the application of article 53 of the Law on Safety and Security are explored. Health at Work. The importance of not automatically attributing responsibility to the employer without adequately evaluating the evidence and without considering compliance with their occupational risk prevention obligations is highlighted. The need to adopt subjective liability instead of strict liability is emphasized, in order to ensure a proportionate and reasonable approach in determining the employer's liability. This report is based on current legal regulations and international treaties ratified by Peru, and seeks to provide well-founded conclusions and recommendations in accordance with the pertinent legal and jurisprudential circumstances. Its objective is to contribute to adequate compliance with the obligations of prevention and protection of safety and health at work, for the benefit of workers and the protection of their labor rights.
Trabajadores--Derechos--Perú, Accidentes de trabajo--Legislación--Perú, Accidentes de trabajo--Prevención, Inspección de trabajo--Perú, Responsabilidad civil, Salud ocupacional