Resolución N° 021-2014-OEFA-TFA-SEP1
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El objetivo general del trabajo es identificar los vacíos normativos que
identificamos en procedimientos administrativos sancionadores, y como ante
dicho contexto, la Administración Pública puede incurrir en vicios que vulneren
los derechos a los administrados sujetos a su competencia. Pero, este análisis no
solo tiene por objetivo identificar dichas falencias y vacíos normativos, sino
también plantear soluciones que permiten contribuir de mejor manera en la
actuación de la Administración Pública.
Los instrumentos que se ha utilizado en presente trabajo es el marco normativo
que aplica al sector ambiental dentro un procedimiento administrativo
sancionador, la jurisprudencia que aborda los principios del procedimiento
administrativo y la doctrina que aborda temas no solo de principios sino también
temas como procedente vinculantes en materia administrativa. En ese sentido,
entre las principales conclusiones en que llega en el análisis de un caso surgido
entre la Empresa Administradora Chungar y el Organismo de Evaluación y
Fiscalización Ambiental, es que, se ha vulnerado claramente los principios que
rigen el procedimiento administrativo sancionador, y que, por ende, correspondía
a uno de los órganos que se interviene dentro del procedimiento que declare la
nulidad de lo actuado, pero al no pasar esto, tiene por resultado emitir un
precedente vinculante que contraviene el marco normativo aplicable.
The general objective of the work is to identify the regulatory gaps that we identify in administrative sanctioning procedures, and as in this context, the Public Administration may incur in vices that violate the rights of the administrations subject to its competence. However, this analysis is not only intended to identify these gaps and regulatory gaps, but also to propose solutions that allow a better contribution to the performance of the Public Administration. The instruments that have been used in this work are the normative framework that applies to the environmental sector within an administrative sanctioning procedure, the jurisprudence that addresses the principles of the administrative procedure and the doctrine that addresses issues not only of principles but also issues such as binding in administrative matter. In this sense, among the main conclusions reached in the analysis of a case that arose between the Chungar Administrative Company and the Environmental Assessment and Enforcement Agency, is that the principles that govern the administrative sanctioning procedure have been clearly violated, and that Therefore, it corresponded to one of the bodies that intervenes within the procedure to declare the nullity of the action, but when this does not happen, the result is to issue a binding precedent that contravenes the applicable regulatory framework.
The general objective of the work is to identify the regulatory gaps that we identify in administrative sanctioning procedures, and as in this context, the Public Administration may incur in vices that violate the rights of the administrations subject to its competence. However, this analysis is not only intended to identify these gaps and regulatory gaps, but also to propose solutions that allow a better contribution to the performance of the Public Administration. The instruments that have been used in this work are the normative framework that applies to the environmental sector within an administrative sanctioning procedure, the jurisprudence that addresses the principles of the administrative procedure and the doctrine that addresses issues not only of principles but also issues such as binding in administrative matter. In this sense, among the main conclusions reached in the analysis of a case that arose between the Chungar Administrative Company and the Environmental Assessment and Enforcement Agency, is that the principles that govern the administrative sanctioning procedure have been clearly violated, and that Therefore, it corresponded to one of the bodies that intervenes within the procedure to declare the nullity of the action, but when this does not happen, the result is to issue a binding precedent that contravenes the applicable regulatory framework.
Sanciones administrativas--Jurisprudencia--Perú, Administración pública--Perú, Perú. Organismo de Evaluación y Fiscalización Ambiental (OEFA)