Business consulting – Cooperativa Agraria Cafetalera La Florida
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El objetivo de esta consultoría es la determinación de un problema principal, el cual
viene afectando a la gestión de la CAC La Florida, así como, la evaluación de posibles
alternativas de solución y su adecuada implementación. La CAC La Florida fue fundada en
1962, actualmente, cuenta con 643 socios productores de cafés especiales y convencionales.
El objetivo de la cooperativa desde su fundación, es el desarrollo socioeconómico de sus
socios, asimismo, busca vincular las actividades comerciales de la cooperativa, es decir, los
socios con los mercados internacionales. Las principales actividades de la CAC La Florida
son: (a) producción, (b) acopio, (c) procesamiento y (d) comercialización de café.
Se efectuó un análisis de los factores: (a) interno, (b) externo y (c) análisis de la industria
usando el modelo de las cinco fuerzas de Porter, de esta forma, se reconocieron tendencias y
eventos que influyen en la gestión de la CAC La Florida. los diversos análisis también
permitieron la identificación de diversos problemas. Con el propósito, de determinar el
problema principal se evaluaron los problemas empleando los siguientes criterios; (a)
vinculación, (b) prioridad y (c) alcance, de esta forma, fue establecido la falta de confianza de
los socios en la gestión de la CAC La Florida como problema principal.
Para solucionar las causas y el problema principal se propusieron seis alternativas de
solución, los cuales fueron evaluados con el gerente general de la CAC La Florida,
empleando para este fin, cuatro criterios; (a) impacto, (b) adaptabilidad, (c) costo y (d)
tiempo, de esta manera, se determinaron como alternativas de solución destacadas; (a)
aplicación de la encuesta Trust Index y (b) implementar procesos de control.
Asimismo, se desarrolló y propuso un plan de implementación el cual comprende cinco
actividades principales los que abarcarían siete semanas, para tal fin, se estimó un
presupuesto de 24,500 soles. Adicionalmente, se identificaron factores claves de éxito, así
como, los resultados esperados de la implementación de las alternativas de solución.
The objective of this consultancy is the determination of a main problem, which has been affecting the management of CAC La Florida, as well as the evaluation of possible alternative solutions and their adequate implementation. CAC La Florida was founded in 1962 and currently has 643 partners producing specialty and conventional coffees. The objective of the cooperative since its foundation, is the socio-economic development of its members, likewise, it seeks to link the commercial activities of the cooperative, that is, the members with international markets. The main activities of CAC La Florida are: (a) production, (b) collection, (c) processing and (d) marketing of coffee. An analysis of the factors was carried out: (a) internal, (b) external and (c) analysis of the industry using the model of the five forces of Porter, in this way, trends and events that influence the management of the CAC La Florida. the various analyzes also allowed the identification of various problems. In order to determine the main problem, the problems were evaluated using the following criteria; (a) linkage, (b) priority and (c) scope, in this way, the lack of trust of the partners in the management of the CAC La Florida was established as the main problem. To solve the causes and the main problem, six solution alternatives were proposed, which were evaluated with the general manager of CAC La Florida, using four criteria for this purpose; (a) impact, (b) adaptability, (c) cost and (d) time, in this way, were determined as outstanding solution alternatives; (a) adaptation of the Trust Index survey and (b) implement control processes. Likewise, an implementation plan was developed and proposed, which includes five main activities, which would cover seven weeks. For this purpose, a budget of 24,500 soles was estimated. Additionally, key success factors were identified, as well as the expected results of the implementation of the alternative solutions.
The objective of this consultancy is the determination of a main problem, which has been affecting the management of CAC La Florida, as well as the evaluation of possible alternative solutions and their adequate implementation. CAC La Florida was founded in 1962 and currently has 643 partners producing specialty and conventional coffees. The objective of the cooperative since its foundation, is the socio-economic development of its members, likewise, it seeks to link the commercial activities of the cooperative, that is, the members with international markets. The main activities of CAC La Florida are: (a) production, (b) collection, (c) processing and (d) marketing of coffee. An analysis of the factors was carried out: (a) internal, (b) external and (c) analysis of the industry using the model of the five forces of Porter, in this way, trends and events that influence the management of the CAC La Florida. the various analyzes also allowed the identification of various problems. In order to determine the main problem, the problems were evaluated using the following criteria; (a) linkage, (b) priority and (c) scope, in this way, the lack of trust of the partners in the management of the CAC La Florida was established as the main problem. To solve the causes and the main problem, six solution alternatives were proposed, which were evaluated with the general manager of CAC La Florida, using four criteria for this purpose; (a) impact, (b) adaptability, (c) cost and (d) time, in this way, were determined as outstanding solution alternatives; (a) adaptation of the Trust Index survey and (b) implement control processes. Likewise, an implementation plan was developed and proposed, which includes five main activities, which would cover seven weeks. For this purpose, a budget of 24,500 soles was estimated. Additionally, key success factors were identified, as well as the expected results of the implementation of the alternative solutions.
Consultores de empresas--Planificación estratégica, Cooperativas--Administración, Café--Industria y comercio
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