Informe Jurídico sobre la Sentencia de Vista del Expediente Nº 00068-2013-0-2208-JM-LA-01
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El presente informe aborda la problemática del hostigamiento sexual laboral en el Perú,
en lo que respecta a los elementos que lo configuran y al estándar probatorio, a
propósito de un caso del régimen laboral privado, pero en una entidad de derecho
público. El análisis utiliza la normativa sobre hostigamiento sexual vigente a la fecha,
incluyendo las disposiciones de Servir, como la que regía hace diez años atrás cuando
ocurrieron los hechos del caso, así como doctrina nacional y extranjera, especialmente
norteamericana. Además, se yuxtapone la configuración del hostigamiento sexual como
falta disciplinaria con la libertad sindical y la protección contra el despido por actos
antisindicales contra un dirigente sindical. Como gran conclusión se tiene que el
trabajador del caso sí cometió actos de hostigamiento sexual contra una practicante,
pero, por la regulación de la época (2012), no logró alcanzarse la suficiencia probatoria
para acreditar la realización de las conductas de hostigamiento sexual. En ese sentido,
no estamos ante un despido nulo porque este no se dio como represalia a la actividad
sindical del trabajador en su calidad de dirigente, pero sí ante un despido arbitrario de
tipo injustificado, por lo que, si bien la reposición laboral no es una opción, sí pudo
haberse dado una indemnización por despido arbitrario.
This paper it is about sexual harassment in Peru, including the elements that make it up and the standard of proof. The following investigation analyses a juditial case of a private regime worker, but in a public law entity. To achieve that, we study the legal regulation on sexual harassment and their evolving in time, including the Servir legal rules, as well as national and foreign doctrine, especially North American. We also analyze wich rol plays sexual harassment with syndical freedom and anti-union practices. The main conclusion is that the union leader did commit sexual harassment against a trainee, but, due to the legal regulation of the time (2012), the standard of proof was not achieved to prove misconduct. For that reason, we are not dealing with a null dismissal because it was not in retaliation for the union activity, but rather an unjustified arbitrary dismissal. So, although the job reinstatement is not an option, compensation for arbitrary dismissal could have been given.
This paper it is about sexual harassment in Peru, including the elements that make it up and the standard of proof. The following investigation analyses a juditial case of a private regime worker, but in a public law entity. To achieve that, we study the legal regulation on sexual harassment and their evolving in time, including the Servir legal rules, as well as national and foreign doctrine, especially North American. We also analyze wich rol plays sexual harassment with syndical freedom and anti-union practices. The main conclusion is that the union leader did commit sexual harassment against a trainee, but, due to the legal regulation of the time (2012), the standard of proof was not achieved to prove misconduct. For that reason, we are not dealing with a null dismissal because it was not in retaliation for the union activity, but rather an unjustified arbitrary dismissal. So, although the job reinstatement is not an option, compensation for arbitrary dismissal could have been given.
Acoso sexual--Legislación--Perú, Violencia en el trabajo--Legislación--Perú, Despido de empleados--Legislación--Perú
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