Caso “Hermanos Landaeta Mejías y otros vs. Venezuela”: un análisis de la Corte IDH sobre la vulneración de derechos humanos en ejecuciones extrajudiciales
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo de investigación analizará los derechos humanos
vulnerados de Igmar Landaeta Mejías y Eduardo Landaeta Mejías a manos del
Cuerpo de Seguridad y Orden Público del Estado de Aragua en Venezuela. Los
hechos tuvieron su desarrollo entre noviembre y diciembre de 1996, pero
encontraron respuesta de parte de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos
Humanos el 27 de agosto del 2014, cuando se concluyó que el Estado de
Venezuela es responsable internacionalmente por haber violentado los
derechos a la vida, integridad personal, libertad personal, protección judicial,
garantías judiciales y derechos del niño de los Hermanos Landaeta Mejías. Tal
análisis se desarrollará tomando en cuenta el contexto de hostigamiento policial
ocurrido en contra de las víctimas y que conllevaron a la muerte de ambos
hermanos. Finalmente, se concluirá con que el uso de la fuerza de los agentes
policiales no fue proporcional y su ejercicio no tomó en cuenta los estándares
de derechos humanos reconocidos no sólo en la Convención Americana de
Derechos Humanos, sino también en la Convención contra la tortura, Derechos
del Niño y etc. De la misma forma, se determinará que las actuaciones
judiciales de los tribunales de justicia de Venezuela no fueron las correctas, al
no procurar la diligencia, eficacia e idoneidad de sus decisiones.
This research paper will analyze the human rights violations of Igmar Landaeta Mejías and Eduardo Landaeta Mejías at the hands of the Security and Public Order Corps of the State of Aragua in Venezuela. The facts took place between November and December 1996, but found a response from the Inter-American Court of Human Rights on August 27, 2014, when it concluded that the State of Venezuela is internationally responsible for having violated the rights to life, personal integrity, personal liberty, judicial protection, judicial guarantees and children's rights of the Landaeta Mejías brothers. This analysis will be developed taking into account the context of police harassment that occurred against the victims and that led to the death of both brothers. Finally, it will be concluded that the use of force by the police officers was not proportional and its exercise did not take into account the human rights standards recognized not only in the American Convention on Human Rights, but also in the Convention against Torture, the Rights of the Child, and others. In the same way, it will be determined that the judicial actions of the courts of justice in Venezuela were not correct, as they did not seek diligence, effectiveness and appropriateness of their decisions.
This research paper will analyze the human rights violations of Igmar Landaeta Mejías and Eduardo Landaeta Mejías at the hands of the Security and Public Order Corps of the State of Aragua in Venezuela. The facts took place between November and December 1996, but found a response from the Inter-American Court of Human Rights on August 27, 2014, when it concluded that the State of Venezuela is internationally responsible for having violated the rights to life, personal integrity, personal liberty, judicial protection, judicial guarantees and children's rights of the Landaeta Mejías brothers. This analysis will be developed taking into account the context of police harassment that occurred against the victims and that led to the death of both brothers. Finally, it will be concluded that the use of force by the police officers was not proportional and its exercise did not take into account the human rights standards recognized not only in the American Convention on Human Rights, but also in the Convention against Torture, the Rights of the Child, and others. In the same way, it will be determined that the judicial actions of the courts of justice in Venezuela were not correct, as they did not seek diligence, effectiveness and appropriateness of their decisions.
Derechos humanos--Venezuela, Derechos fundamentales--Venezuela, Tortura--Venezuela, Policía--Venezuela
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