Modelo prolab: Plataforma digital “Deport Click”
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente proyecto de investigación propone una solución de negocio para la
dificultad de los deportistas no profesionales de encontrar en la actualidad un espacio para
practicar deportes, siendo un problema complejo y con relevancia social debido a que un
39.9% de la población sufre las consecuencias del sedentarismo y enfermedades no
trasmisibles, así como escenarios de frustración, por lo que se busca estimular la actividad
física para el bienestar corporal y mental.
La solución planteada es la plataforma digital Deport click, una página web que ayuda
con la búsqueda, reserva y pago de espacios deportivos, basado en tecnologías actuales y
herramientas digitales actuando de manera rápida y flexible entre proveedores de espacios
deportivos privados y deportistas no profesionales. La deseabilidad de la plataforma fue
sometida a un proceso de validación con los usuarios, obteniendo resultados positivos que
confirmaron las dos hipótesis planteadas: La primera hipótesis, el 100 % de usuarios logró
completar con éxito las tareas a través de la plataforma, con un NPS de 67, lo que indica un
resultado positivo para el modelo de negocio; en cuanto a la segunda hipótesis, entre el 50%
y 58% de los dueños de espacios deportivos estarían dispuestos a pagar un valor de 8% o más
por el servicio de reserva y pago de su local dependiendo del nivel de ocupabilidad,
validando la segunda hipótesis.
El proyecto es un modelo socialmente sostenible ya que se encuentra alineado con la
ODS 3 en garantizar una vida sana y promover el bienestar de todas las personas, con un
índice de relevancia social del 22.2 % y un VANS de S/ 3’910,322. A nivel económico es
sostenible y viable, ya que proyecta el crecimiento exponencial de sus ventas, con un VAN
de S/ 4’996,759 y un TIR de 140.57% para los próximos cinco años.
This research project proposes a business solution for the challenges of non professional athletes finding a space to practice sports. It's a complex problem with social relevance because 39.9% of the population suffers the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle and non-sexually transmitting diseases, and frustrating scenarios, so it seeks to stimulate physical activity for physical and mental well-being. The proposed solution is the Deport Click digital platform, A website that helps with the search, reservation, and payment of sports venues, based on updated technologies and digital tools, acting quickly and flexibly between providers of private sports venues and non professional athletes. The desirability of the platform was subjected to a validation process with the users, obtaining positives results confirming the two hypotheses proposed: The first hypothesis, 100% of users managed to complete the tasks through the platform, with an NPS of 67, which indicates a positive result for the business model; and regarding the second hypothesis, between 50% and 58% of the owners of sports venues would be willing to pay a value of 8% or more for the reservation and payment service of their premises, depending on the level of employability, validating the second hypothesis. The project is a socially sustainable model since it is lined up with ODS 3, guaranteeing a healthy life and promoting the well-being of all people, with a social relevance index of 22.2% and an NPV of S/ 3’910,322. With a sustainable and viable financial level, it projects the exponential growth of its sales, with an NPV of S/ 4’996,759 and an IRR of 140.57% for the next five years.
This research project proposes a business solution for the challenges of non professional athletes finding a space to practice sports. It's a complex problem with social relevance because 39.9% of the population suffers the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle and non-sexually transmitting diseases, and frustrating scenarios, so it seeks to stimulate physical activity for physical and mental well-being. The proposed solution is the Deport Click digital platform, A website that helps with the search, reservation, and payment of sports venues, based on updated technologies and digital tools, acting quickly and flexibly between providers of private sports venues and non professional athletes. The desirability of the platform was subjected to a validation process with the users, obtaining positives results confirming the two hypotheses proposed: The first hypothesis, 100% of users managed to complete the tasks through the platform, with an NPS of 67, which indicates a positive result for the business model; and regarding the second hypothesis, between 50% and 58% of the owners of sports venues would be willing to pay a value of 8% or more for the reservation and payment service of their premises, depending on the level of employability, validating the second hypothesis. The project is a socially sustainable model since it is lined up with ODS 3, guaranteeing a healthy life and promoting the well-being of all people, with a social relevance index of 22.2% and an NPV of S/ 3’910,322. With a sustainable and viable financial level, it projects the exponential growth of its sales, with an NPV of S/ 4’996,759 and an IRR of 140.57% for the next five years.
Deportistas--Perú, Innovaciones tecnológicas, Servicios digitales, Administración de deportes
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