Efectos psicológicos, sociales y políticos resultantes de la implementación del proyecto laboratorio de paz, en torno al perdón y la reconciliación como parte de la reconstrucción del tejido social, en el departamento de Cundinamarca – Colombia
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Desde la posesión del presidente Juan Manuel Santos en el año 2010, se
vislumbró que el país presentaría un giro en cuanto a los temas relacionados
con el conflicto armado y la construcción de paz, este trasformó su postura
frente a las organizaciones defensoras de derechos humanos, su tratamiento a
las víctimas. Empezó abordar de manera más directa la reconciliación, según
Méndez (2011) “al revisar los pronunciamientos del presidente Santos, se
encuentran varias alusiones a la reconciliación, comenzando por una visión
macro de reconciliación, para concentrarse luego en una visión muy cercana a
la idea de Justicia Restaurativa y de reconciliación a nivel político condensada
en la idea de “Reconciliación Nacional”1.
Así las cosas, las conversaciones de paz entre el gobierno nacional y la
guerrilla de las FARC, han evidenciado la enorme relevancia de identificar
como se pueden trabajar los temas de perdón y reconciliación como cultura de
paz. Estos temas se deben abordar desde las regiones, entendiendo que los
territorios tienen sus propias dinámicas e historias propias del conflicto;
reconociendo que cuando se empezó hablar de reconciliación el escepticismo
era generalizado, y solo algunas organizaciones trabajaban en la materia.
En ese sentido la Agencia Colombiana para la Reintegración (ACR) y la
Gobernación de Cundinamarca durante el año 2014 fueron impulsadas a aunar
esfuerzos para trabajar estos temas de manera focalizada como una
experiencia piloto en el departamento a través del proyecto “Laboratorio de paz
en el departamento de Cundinamarca”; para el cual, fue necesario identificar
los efectos que dejó el proyecto en términos psicológicos, sociales y políticos,
en cada uno de los y las participantes.
Y donde la principal conclusión a la que se llegó, fue que cada participante de
las ES.PE.RE que culmino el proceso experimentó un proceso personal de
sanación y libertad emocional, además de otros efectos psicológicos positivos:
tranquilidad para dormir, control de la ira, menos ansiedad, reconciliación
consigo mismo, sanidad física y paz interior. Estos resultados son aún más
relevantes al tener en cuenta que la mayoría de los y las participantes fueron
víctimas y victimarios del conflicto armado, los cuales a nivel personal llevaban
cargas muy pesadas, fruto de las experiencias traumáticas de la guerra.
Asimismo, estos participantes entendieron que el mejor camino para la
resolución de los conflictos es aprender a manejar sus emociones, promover el
dialogo con el ofensor (si se puede) y decidir permanentemente perdonar a quien nos ofende, ya que es una conducta liberadora que nos lleva hacer
mejores seres humanos y a ponernos en los zapatos de los otros
Since President Juan Manuel Santos began his first presidential term in 2010, several issues related to armed conflict and peacebuilding changed. This government changed the way to relate to human rights organizations and the concept of reconciliation was also inserted to treat the victims of the armed conflict. According to Méndez (2011), "when reviewing the statements of President Santos, there are several allusions to reconciliation, starting with a macro vision of reconciliation to focus on a vision very close to the idea of Restorative Justice and reconciliation at the political level, all these as a part of an idea called "National Reconciliation"2. Thus, the peace talks between the national government and the FARC guerrillas, have shown the importance of identifying that the issues of forgiveness and reconciliation can be worked from a culture of peace perspective. These issues must be handled locally as the territories have their own dynamics and the history of the conflict has been different in every place of the country. Also, it is important to recognize that when the reconciliation issue was put on the table, the skepticism was widespread and only a few organizations worked on the subject. In that sense, during 2014 the Colombian Agency for Reintegration (ACR) and the Government of Cundinamarca were encouraged to join efforts to work on these issues as part of a trial project in the department called “Peace Laboratory in the Department of Cundinamarca". At the end of the project, the effects on the participants were identified and analyzed to determine the psychological, social and political impact of the project. The main conclusion reached was that each participant who completed the ES.PE.RE process experienced a process of healing and emotional freedom, as well as other positive psychological effects such as tranquility for sleep, anger control, less anxiety, reconciliation with their selves, physical healing and inner peace. These results are even more relevant considering that most of the participants were victims and perpetrators of the armed conflict, people who had to face difficult situations and traumatic experiences of the war. Likewise, these participants understood that the best way to resolve conflicts is to learn to manage their emotions, to promote dialogue with the offender (if possible) and to permanently decide to forgive those who offend them, since forgiveness is a liberating decision that makes better human beings who can put in someone else’s shoes to understand their behaviors.
Since President Juan Manuel Santos began his first presidential term in 2010, several issues related to armed conflict and peacebuilding changed. This government changed the way to relate to human rights organizations and the concept of reconciliation was also inserted to treat the victims of the armed conflict. According to Méndez (2011), "when reviewing the statements of President Santos, there are several allusions to reconciliation, starting with a macro vision of reconciliation to focus on a vision very close to the idea of Restorative Justice and reconciliation at the political level, all these as a part of an idea called "National Reconciliation"2. Thus, the peace talks between the national government and the FARC guerrillas, have shown the importance of identifying that the issues of forgiveness and reconciliation can be worked from a culture of peace perspective. These issues must be handled locally as the territories have their own dynamics and the history of the conflict has been different in every place of the country. Also, it is important to recognize that when the reconciliation issue was put on the table, the skepticism was widespread and only a few organizations worked on the subject. In that sense, during 2014 the Colombian Agency for Reintegration (ACR) and the Government of Cundinamarca were encouraged to join efforts to work on these issues as part of a trial project in the department called “Peace Laboratory in the Department of Cundinamarca". At the end of the project, the effects on the participants were identified and analyzed to determine the psychological, social and political impact of the project. The main conclusion reached was that each participant who completed the ES.PE.RE process experienced a process of healing and emotional freedom, as well as other positive psychological effects such as tranquility for sleep, anger control, less anxiety, reconciliation with their selves, physical healing and inner peace. These results are even more relevant considering that most of the participants were victims and perpetrators of the armed conflict, people who had to face difficult situations and traumatic experiences of the war. Likewise, these participants understood that the best way to resolve conflicts is to learn to manage their emotions, to promote dialogue with the offender (if possible) and to permanently decide to forgive those who offend them, since forgiveness is a liberating decision that makes better human beings who can put in someone else’s shoes to understand their behaviors.
Violencia política--Colombia, Solución de conflictos--Colombia
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