Planeamiento estratégico del sector industrial de la alcachofa en el Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente tesis busca establecer un plan estratégico para el desarrollo de la Industria de la
Alcachofa en toda su cadena productiva con el fin de lograr ser más competitivos y sostenibles, a
través del establecimiento de estrategias y logro de objetivos corto y largo plazo que permitan al
2026 que el Perú logre ser el tercer productor de Alcachofa y el segundo exportador de conservas de
Alcachofa en el mundo. Considerando las características del tema, se aplicó una metodología
cualitativa de investigación, ya que, se procedió a recopilar la información relacionada al tema con
el propósito de conocer la situación actual y poder construir una futura basándose en alcanzar una
visión a través de objetivos y estrategias.
Los resultados de la investigación, demostraron que La Industria de Alcachofa en El Perú,
dentro de sus principales fortalezas cuenta con potencial de expansión agrícola, alto rendimiento de
producción, buen relacionamiento a nivel mundial, y producción continua durante el año, que le
otorga una ventaja competitiva, las oportunidades detectadas fueron: cambio en los hábitos de
consumo a nivel mundial, buen clima económico, incremento del apoyo del Gobierno a la
exportación de productos no tradicionales. De otro lado las debilidades identificadas fueron: un alto
grado de parcelación de tierras, escaso nivel técnico de los agricultores exceptuando a las cinco
empresas agro-exportadoras que dominan la comercialización, bajo número de hectáreas cultivadas
de Alcachofa en comparación con la oferta de otros países. Las amenazas más importantes
corresponden a la volatilidad de la estabilidad económica de los países de destino y de condiciones
medioambientales que podrían afectar el rendimiento de la producción. En cuanto a la
comercialización el 90% corresponde a alcachofa en conserva, por lo que dentro del plan se sugiere
una industrialización total del sector, que involucre mejoras a todo nivel de la cadena productiva
que permitan alcanzar la visión propuesta
This thesis seeks to establish a strategic plan for the development of the industry Artichokes entire production chain in order to become more competitive and sustainable, through the establishment of strategies and achieve short and long term objectives to enable the 2026 for Peru to be the third largest producer of artichoke and second exporter of canned artichoke in the world. Considering the characteristics of the subject, a qualitative research methodology was applied because, proceeded to collect information related to the subject in order to know the current situation and to build a future based on achieving a vision through goals and strategies. The research results showed that Industry Artichoke in Peru, within its main strengths has potential for agricultural expansion, high production efficiency, good relations worldwide, and continuous production during the year, which gives a competitive advantage, the opportunities identified were: change in consumer habits worldwide, good economic climate, increased government support for exports of non-traditional products. On the other hand the weaknesses identified were: a high degree of fragmentation of land, low technical level of farmers except for the five companies agro-exporters that dominate the market, low number of cultivated hectares of Artichoke compared with supply from other countries. The most important threats correspond to the volatility of the economic stability of countries of destination and environmental conditions that could affect the production yield. As for marketing 90% is canned artichoke, so plan within the total industrialization of the sector, involving improvements at all levels of the production chain that achieve the vision proposal suggests
This thesis seeks to establish a strategic plan for the development of the industry Artichokes entire production chain in order to become more competitive and sustainable, through the establishment of strategies and achieve short and long term objectives to enable the 2026 for Peru to be the third largest producer of artichoke and second exporter of canned artichoke in the world. Considering the characteristics of the subject, a qualitative research methodology was applied because, proceeded to collect information related to the subject in order to know the current situation and to build a future based on achieving a vision through goals and strategies. The research results showed that Industry Artichoke in Peru, within its main strengths has potential for agricultural expansion, high production efficiency, good relations worldwide, and continuous production during the year, which gives a competitive advantage, the opportunities identified were: change in consumer habits worldwide, good economic climate, increased government support for exports of non-traditional products. On the other hand the weaknesses identified were: a high degree of fragmentation of land, low technical level of farmers except for the five companies agro-exporters that dominate the market, low number of cultivated hectares of Artichoke compared with supply from other countries. The most important threats correspond to the volatility of the economic stability of countries of destination and environmental conditions that could affect the production yield. As for marketing 90% is canned artichoke, so plan within the total industrialization of the sector, involving improvements at all levels of the production chain that achieve the vision proposal suggests
Hortalizas, Agroindustria, Planificación estratégica
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