Informe jurídico sobre la resolución N° 00022-2018-PI/TC
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente informe tiene como objetivo analizar la inconstitucionalidad de la
Primera Disposición Complementaria Final de la Ley Nº30407, Ley de
Bienestar y Protección Animal, la cual excluye a las corridas de toros, peleas
de toros, peleas de gallos y demás espectáculos declarados de carácter
cultural por la autoridad competente. El análisis jurídico comprende en
determinar cuál es el estado actual de los animales dentro del ordenamiento
jurídico a partir de las resoluciones emitidas por el Tribunal Constitucional,
siendo la de mayor relevancia la del Expediente Nº00022-2018-PI/TC.
Se utilizará el principio de proporcionalidad como un parámetro indispensable
de constitucionalidad para evaluar la actuación de los poderes públicos, sobre
todo cuando ésta afecta el ejercicio de los derechos fundamentales. Es decir, el
principio de proporcionalidad no debe ser entendido como la respuesta a todos
los problemas, sino como la técnica que nos permite determinar la idoneidad,
necesidad y proporcionalidad de las medidas legales que limitan o restringen
derechos fundamentales.
Además, se analizará si la declaración de las corridas de toros, peleas de toros
y peleas de gallos como espectáculos culturales por parte del Ministerio de
Cultura es determinante para declarar la constitucionalidad de la ley. Por último,
se cuestionará si es necesario realizar una reforma constitucional para
garantizar una protección efectiva de los animales.
The following essay aims to analyze the unconstitutionality of the First Final Complementary Provision from Law Nº30407 Animal Welfare and Protection Law, which exempts bullfights, cockfights and other animal related activities proclaimed as cultural events from a competent lawful authority. The legal analysis intends to determine the current status of animals within the legal system, based on the resolutions issued by the constitutional court, being the most relevant File No. 00022-2018-PI/TC. The proportionality test will be utilized as an essential parameter of constitutionality to evaluate the actions of public powers, especially when it affects the exercise of fundamental rights. In other words, the proportionality test should not be understood as the answer to all problems, but rather as the mechanism that allows us to determine the suitability, necessity and proportionality of the legal measurements that limit or restrict fundamental rights. Furthermore, it will analyze whether the declaration of bullfights and cockfights as cultural events by the Ministry of Culture is a decisive factor to declare the constitutionality of the law. Finally, it will be argued if it is necessary to propose a constitutional reform in order to provide an effective protection for all animals.
The following essay aims to analyze the unconstitutionality of the First Final Complementary Provision from Law Nº30407 Animal Welfare and Protection Law, which exempts bullfights, cockfights and other animal related activities proclaimed as cultural events from a competent lawful authority. The legal analysis intends to determine the current status of animals within the legal system, based on the resolutions issued by the constitutional court, being the most relevant File No. 00022-2018-PI/TC. The proportionality test will be utilized as an essential parameter of constitutionality to evaluate the actions of public powers, especially when it affects the exercise of fundamental rights. In other words, the proportionality test should not be understood as the answer to all problems, but rather as the mechanism that allows us to determine the suitability, necessity and proportionality of the legal measurements that limit or restrict fundamental rights. Furthermore, it will analyze whether the declaration of bullfights and cockfights as cultural events by the Ministry of Culture is a decisive factor to declare the constitutionality of the law. Finally, it will be argued if it is necessary to propose a constitutional reform in order to provide an effective protection for all animals.
Derechos fundamentales--Perú, Derecho constitucional--Perú, Identidad cultural--Perú, Derechos de los animales--Perú
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