Propuesta de implementación del sistema integral del desarrollo del emprendedor
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La formación técnica contribuye a la generación de trabajo decente e impulsa la
productividad del país. No obstante, si el perfil técnico pretende emprender un negocio, se
enfrentará a la necesidad de desarrollar habilidades empresariales, potenciar sus redes de
contacto y encontrar un espacio que le permita difundir sus productos o servicios. En efecto,
el egresado técnico se encuentra en una posición de desventaja en comparación con el
egresado universitario, al no poder acceder a programas completos como maestrías en
administración de negocios por los requisitos profesionales y económicos solicitados.
En ese sentido, Emprende+ ha identificado las necesidades del perfil técnico y ha
creado el Sistema Integral de Desarrollo del Emprendedor. Este sistema busca generar
espacios para capacitación, para promoción y comercio, y para formación de redes de
contacto en una sola plataforma virtual que se caracterizará por agruparse según familias
técnicas. De esta forma, Emprende+ pretende desarrollar e impulsar los emprendimientos y, a
su vez, aportar al ecosistema empresarial; de tal forma que se dinamice la economía peruana,
la cual se ha visto golpeada por el distanciamiento y aislamiento social.
En efecto, la propuesta de Emprende+ busca crear valor compartido a través de la
generación de una comunidad única de emprendedores para personas con formación técnica.
Para ello, se generarán ingresos a través del cobro por el dictado de cursos y por la publicidad
de sus productos o servicios para ser visualizados por clientes y posibles inversionistas.
Asimismo, para la generación de la plataforma virtual se requerirá una inversión inicial de
55,000 soles que serán recuperados en un periodo de cinco años.
Technical training contributes to the generation of decent work and boosts the country's productivity. Nevertheless, if the technical profile intends to start a business, face the need to develop business skills, enhance their contact networks and find a space that allows them to spread their products or services. Therefore, the technical graduate is at a disadvantage compared to the university graduate, as he cannot access complete programs such as master's degrees in business administration due to the professional and economic requirements requested. Indeed, Emprende+ has identified the needs of the technical profile and created the Entrepreneur’s Integral Development System. This system seeks to create spaces for training, for promotion and commerce, and for the formation of contact networks in a single virtual platform that is characterized by grouping according to technical families. In this way, Emprende+ aims to develop and promote entrepreneurship and, furthermore, contribute to the business ecosystem; in such a way that the Peruvian economy is energized, which has been hit by social distancing and isolation. Indeed, the Emprende+ proposal seeks to create shared value through the generation of a unique community of entrepreneurs for people with technical training. Thus, Income will be generated through the course’s payments and the advertising of their products or services to be viewed by clients and potential investors. Likewise, for the generation of the virtual platform, an initial investment of 55,000 soles will be required, which will be recovered in an approximately five years.
Technical training contributes to the generation of decent work and boosts the country's productivity. Nevertheless, if the technical profile intends to start a business, face the need to develop business skills, enhance their contact networks and find a space that allows them to spread their products or services. Therefore, the technical graduate is at a disadvantage compared to the university graduate, as he cannot access complete programs such as master's degrees in business administration due to the professional and economic requirements requested. Indeed, Emprende+ has identified the needs of the technical profile and created the Entrepreneur’s Integral Development System. This system seeks to create spaces for training, for promotion and commerce, and for the formation of contact networks in a single virtual platform that is characterized by grouping according to technical families. In this way, Emprende+ aims to develop and promote entrepreneurship and, furthermore, contribute to the business ecosystem; in such a way that the Peruvian economy is energized, which has been hit by social distancing and isolation. Indeed, the Emprende+ proposal seeks to create shared value through the generation of a unique community of entrepreneurs for people with technical training. Thus, Income will be generated through the course’s payments and the advertising of their products or services to be viewed by clients and potential investors. Likewise, for the generation of the virtual platform, an initial investment of 55,000 soles will be required, which will be recovered in an approximately five years.
Emprendedores--Capacitación, Educación técnica--Perú, Innovaciones tecnológicas