Vínculo entre el servicio de calidad y la lealtad del cliente en el sector bancario de Lima Metropolitana
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Se ha tenido como objetivo en esta investigación establecer el grado de vinculación
existente entre la calidad del servicio brindado y la lealtad de los clientes, en los Bancos de
Lima Metropolitana. Se consideraron las cuatro dimensiones de la escala de bankserv,
desarrollada por Avkiran (1999): (a) la conducta del personal, (b) la credibilidad, (c) la
comunicación, y (d) el acceso a los servicios de cajeros. Para la medición de la lealtad del
cliente se midió lo actitudinal y comportamental, considerando el aporte de Delgado (2004).
El presente estudio es una investigación cuantitativa de corte transversal, descriptivo
correlacional, el método de recolección de datos fue mediante encuestas cara a cara en
hogares, aplicada a 228 personas, de 25 a 55 años, de la ciudad de Lima Metropolitana, que
utilicen algún producto bancario.
Al observar las correlaciones entre las variables de Calidad y Lealtad, se obtiene
como resultado final del análisis, que las dimensiones de la Calidad no tienen un impacto
significativo (pvalor > 0.05) en las dimensiones de Lealtad, expresado como intención de
recomendación y recompra, y posibilidad de cambio. Esto implica que el nivel de
importancia que los clientes puedan brindar a ciertas características de un Banco, no define
totalmente la lealtad que puedan declarar hacia la institución. Son diversos los estudios
clásicos de la lealtad que indican que éste es el resultado directo de la satisfacción del cliente,
sin embargo este vínculo directo ha sido cuestionado en estudios recientes, según los cuales
la lealtad se encuentra determinada por factores relacionales y no transaccionales (Bravo,
Vásquez-Párraga & Zamora, 2005)
Has been set in this study to establish the linking grade that exists between the given service quality and the loyalty to clients in the banks from Metropolitan Lima. The four dimensions of the scale of BankServ, developed by Avkiran (1999) were considered: (a) the employees’ behavior, (b) credibility, (c) communication, and (d) the access to ATMs, following the proposal of Avkiran (1994). To measure the loyalty to the client, the attitudinal and behavioral aspects have been measured; considering the contribution of Delgado (2004). The research methodology that has been used corresponds to a cross-sectional quantitative survey of a descriptive-correlational type. The method of data collection was through face to face surveys in homes, people applied to 288, 25 to 55 years old, of the city of Lima, who use a bank product. At observing the correlations between variables of Quality and Loyalty, the final result of the analysis was that the dimensions of quality did not have a significant impact (pvalue > 0.05) on the loyalty dimensions. This affirmation is expressed as an advice and buying-back intention, and also as a change possibility. This implies that the level of importance that clients can give to certain characteristics of a bank does not define the loyalty that they can declare to the institution. There are many classical studies of loyalty to indicate that this is a direct result of customer satisfaction, however this direct link has been questioned in recent studies, according to which loyalty is determined by non-transactional and relational factors (Bravo Vasquez-Párraga & Zamora, 2005)
Has been set in this study to establish the linking grade that exists between the given service quality and the loyalty to clients in the banks from Metropolitan Lima. The four dimensions of the scale of BankServ, developed by Avkiran (1999) were considered: (a) the employees’ behavior, (b) credibility, (c) communication, and (d) the access to ATMs, following the proposal of Avkiran (1994). To measure the loyalty to the client, the attitudinal and behavioral aspects have been measured; considering the contribution of Delgado (2004). The research methodology that has been used corresponds to a cross-sectional quantitative survey of a descriptive-correlational type. The method of data collection was through face to face surveys in homes, people applied to 288, 25 to 55 years old, of the city of Lima, who use a bank product. At observing the correlations between variables of Quality and Loyalty, the final result of the analysis was that the dimensions of quality did not have a significant impact (pvalue > 0.05) on the loyalty dimensions. This affirmation is expressed as an advice and buying-back intention, and also as a change possibility. This implies that the level of importance that clients can give to certain characteristics of a bank does not define the loyalty that they can declare to the institution. There are many classical studies of loyalty to indicate that this is a direct result of customer satisfaction, however this direct link has been questioned in recent studies, according to which loyalty is determined by non-transactional and relational factors (Bravo Vasquez-Párraga & Zamora, 2005)
Servicios al cliente, Satisfacción del cliente, Comportamiento del consumidor, Instituciones financieras -- Perú, Investigación cuantitativa