Divulgación de la información corporativa en el sector financiero peruano
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo de investigación tiene por objetivo identificar las relaciones
existentes entre el índice de divulgación de información corporativa a través de las páginas
web de las entidades financieras peruanas listadas en la Bolsa de Valores de Lima y los
factores o variables vinculadas a estas entidades que influyen en dicho índice de divulgación.
Para ello, se realizó una investigación no experimental de alcance correlacional con enfoque
cuantitativo y con un proceso de análisis transversal. Este estudio pretende brindar una
primera contribución teórica y práctica para un sector importante de la economía nacional.
Para este estudio se seleccionaron 32 entidades financieras y se aplicó el instrumento
de medición de divulgación corporativa propuesto por los profesores Xiao, Yang y Chow en
el año 2004. Para la recolección de datos se utilizaron fuentes secundarias como las páginas
web de las entidades financieras y de entidades regulatorias como la Superintendencia del
Mercado de Valores, la Bolsa de Valores de Lima y la Superintendencia de Banca, Seguros y
AFP. Como resultado de la investigación, se obtuvo para cada entidad un índice de
divulgación de información corporativa y con ello un ranking de medición. Asimismo, sobre
la base de estudios anteriores realizados en diferentes partes del mundo, se seleccionó un
conjunto de siete factores o características de las entidades financieras peruanas. Luego, a
través de un análisis de regresión multivariable, se encontró una relación positiva y
significativa entre el índice de divulgación con el tamaño de la empresa y con la rentabilidad
de sus activos. A su vez, se encontró una relación negativa y significativa con respecto al
nivel de morosidad.
The objective of this research work is to identify the relationships between the index of corporate information disclosure through the websites of Peruvian financial institutions listed on the Lima Stock Exchange and the factors or variables related to these institutions, which influence on that disclosure index. For this, a non-experimental investigation of correlational scope was carried out with a quantitative approach and with a transversal analysis process. This study aims to provide a first theoretical and practical contribution for an important sector of the national economy. For this study, 32 financial institutions were selected and the measurement instrument of corporate disclosure proposed by professors Xiao, Yang and Chow in 2004 was applied. For the collection of data, secondary sources such as websites of financial institutions and regulatory entities such as the “Superintendencia de Mercado de Valores”, the “Bolsa de Valores de Lima” and the “Superintendencia de Banca, Seguros y AFP” were used. As a result of the investigation, an index of corporate information disclosure was obtained for each entity and with this, a ranking. In addition, based on previous studies conducted in different parts of the world, seven factors or characteristics of Peruvian financial institutions were selected. Then, through a multivariable regression analysis, a positive and significant relationship between the disclosure index with the size of the company and with the profitability of its assets was found. In turn, a negative and significant relationship was found with respect to delinquency rate.
The objective of this research work is to identify the relationships between the index of corporate information disclosure through the websites of Peruvian financial institutions listed on the Lima Stock Exchange and the factors or variables related to these institutions, which influence on that disclosure index. For this, a non-experimental investigation of correlational scope was carried out with a quantitative approach and with a transversal analysis process. This study aims to provide a first theoretical and practical contribution for an important sector of the national economy. For this study, 32 financial institutions were selected and the measurement instrument of corporate disclosure proposed by professors Xiao, Yang and Chow in 2004 was applied. For the collection of data, secondary sources such as websites of financial institutions and regulatory entities such as the “Superintendencia de Mercado de Valores”, the “Bolsa de Valores de Lima” and the “Superintendencia de Banca, Seguros y AFP” were used. As a result of the investigation, an index of corporate information disclosure was obtained for each entity and with this, a ranking. In addition, based on previous studies conducted in different parts of the world, seven factors or characteristics of Peruvian financial institutions were selected. Then, through a multivariable regression analysis, a positive and significant relationship between the disclosure index with the size of the company and with the profitability of its assets was found. In turn, a negative and significant relationship was found with respect to delinquency rate.
Valor--Finanzas, Responsabilidad corporativa, Investigación cuantitativa
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