Gestión de la perforación diamantina a través de metodologías ágiles (SCRUM – KANBAN)
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo de investigación pretende describir como los proyectos de
perforación diamantina podrían verse beneficiados con el uso de metodologías ágiles
como una herramienta más para su gestión. En tiempos donde todo está evolucionando
y cambiando, la manera en la que dirigimos y gestionamos los proyectos de perforación
diamantina debe estar enmarcado dentro de la política empresarial de las compañías
que realizan esta actividad y de los clientes que contratan estos servicios. De esta forma
la exigencia e innovación se hacen necesarios para optimizar los recursos con los que
se cuenta, y cumplir de forma eficiente los objetivos planificados al inicio de la campaña.
La perforación diamantina entre otras cosas nos ofrece la posibilidad de calcular con
certeza el valor económico de un recurso mineral teniendo en esta actividad una
oportunidad de mejora en cuanto se refiere a su planificación y gestión. Algunas
compañías a modo de buenas prácticas desarrollan sus proyectos de perforación bajo
la metodología enmarcada dentro del Project Management Institute (PMI), sin embargo,
a medida que los proyectos de perforación van evolucionando y aumenta su nivel de
complejidad e incertidumbre, las empresas van incorporando diversas metodologías y
software, para potenciar su gestión como: Primavera, Prince; Project; Progia; Six Sigma;
Para poder dar una respuesta rápida en este ambiente complejo donde cada día van
apareciendo nuevas interferencias que no fueron identificadas en un principio. El
instituto de gestión de proyectos (PMI), ha incorporado su guía práctica Ágil.
El enfoque ágil, ha revolucionado la manera de trabajar de los equipos, la
adaptación de las organizaciones y la gestión de los procesos en los proyectos
informáticos. Así surge la interrogante: ¿Podemos aplicar las metodologías agiles a
otros proyectos que no sean informáticos?
La gestión de la perforación diamantina: ¿Puede adaptarse a este nuevo
concepto de gestión? o viéndolo de otra manera ¿qué de malo hay en gestionarlo bajo
un enfoque de metodología tradicional?, trataremos de contestar estas interrogantes
mediante un análisis cualitativo de los costos fijos y variables que impactan en el costo
final del precio de la perforación diamantina ($/m), de un proyecto soportado por la
gestión ágil.
En definitiva, la aplicación de una metodología que tuvo éxito en una industria no
necesariamente podría tener éxito en otra. Pero vale la pena analizarlo ya que de ello
depende la generación de oportunidades que nos presenta el enfoque Ágil de la gestión
de proyectos.
This research work aims to describe how diamond drilling projects could benefit from the use of agile methodologies as one more tool for their management. In times where everything is evolving and changing, the way in which we direct and manage diamond drilling projects must be framed within the business policy of the companies that carry out this activity and of the clients who hire these services. In this way, the demand and innovation are necessary to optimize the resources available, and efficiently meet the objectives planned at the beginning of the campaign. Diamond drilling, among other things, offers us the possibility of calculating with certainty the economic value of a mineral resource, taking in this activity an opportunity for improvement in terms of planning and management. Some companies as good practices develop their drilling projects under the methodology framed within the Project Management Institute (PMI), however, as drilling projects evolve and their level of complexity and uncertainty increases, companies are incorporating various methodologies and software to enhance its management such as: Primavera, Prince; Project; Progia; Six Sigma; etc. To be able to give a quick response in this complex environment where new interferences appear every day that were not identified at first. The project management institute (PMI) has incorporated its Agile practical guide. The agile approach has revolutionized the way teams work, the adaptation of organizations and the management of processes in IT projects. Thus the question arises: Can we apply agile methodologies to other non-IT projects? Diamond Drilling Management: Can You Adapt To This New Management Concept? Or, looking at it another way, what is wrong with managing it under a traditional methodology approach? We will try to answer these questions through a qualitative analysis of the fixed and variable costs that impact the final cost of the diamond drilling price ($ / m), of a project supported by agile management. Ultimately, the application of a methodology that was successful in one industry may not necessarily be successful in another. But it is worth analyzing it since the generation of opportunities presented by the Agile approach to project management depends on it.
This research work aims to describe how diamond drilling projects could benefit from the use of agile methodologies as one more tool for their management. In times where everything is evolving and changing, the way in which we direct and manage diamond drilling projects must be framed within the business policy of the companies that carry out this activity and of the clients who hire these services. In this way, the demand and innovation are necessary to optimize the resources available, and efficiently meet the objectives planned at the beginning of the campaign. Diamond drilling, among other things, offers us the possibility of calculating with certainty the economic value of a mineral resource, taking in this activity an opportunity for improvement in terms of planning and management. Some companies as good practices develop their drilling projects under the methodology framed within the Project Management Institute (PMI), however, as drilling projects evolve and their level of complexity and uncertainty increases, companies are incorporating various methodologies and software to enhance its management such as: Primavera, Prince; Project; Progia; Six Sigma; etc. To be able to give a quick response in this complex environment where new interferences appear every day that were not identified at first. The project management institute (PMI) has incorporated its Agile practical guide. The agile approach has revolutionized the way teams work, the adaptation of organizations and the management of processes in IT projects. Thus the question arises: Can we apply agile methodologies to other non-IT projects? Diamond Drilling Management: Can You Adapt To This New Management Concept? Or, looking at it another way, what is wrong with managing it under a traditional methodology approach? We will try to answer these questions through a qualitative analysis of the fixed and variable costs that impact the final cost of the diamond drilling price ($ / m), of a project supported by agile management. Ultimately, the application of a methodology that was successful in one industry may not necessarily be successful in another. But it is worth analyzing it since the generation of opportunities presented by the Agile approach to project management depends on it.
Administración de proyectos, Minería subterránea--Perforación, Industria minera--Proyectos--Administración, Minas--Proyectos--Metodología
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