Planeamiento estratégico para distribuidora San Diego S.A.C.
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El desarrollo de este estudio tiene como objetivo analizar la situación actual de la
empresa Distribuidora Comercial San Diego S. A. C., el nombre de esta empresa es ficticio,
con la finalidad de resguardar el nombre de la empresa y, al mismo tiempo, definir las
estrategias que le permitan el éxito en los siguientes años. Este trabajo se ha llevado a cabo
mediante el desarrollo de un planeamiento estratégico, documento que fue elaborado en
función al modelo secuencial del proceso estratégico. Dicho modelo se sostiene en los
lineamientos definidos por el profesor Fernando D’Alessio Ipinza, director general de
CENTRUM Católica.
Distribuidora Comercial San Diego es una empresa que durante las últimas cuatro
décadas ha venido desarrollando sus operaciones en los departamentos de Piura y Tumbes,
comercializando productos en diversos rubros asociados con el mercado de consumo masivo.
En el interior del Perú, este tipo de mercado se ha ido incrementando constantemente, pese a
las variaciones surgidas a raíz de la crisis en la economía mundial. Asimismo, el canal
tradicional representa todavía un nicho de mercado potencial frente al canal moderno.
Finalmente, en esta investigación, se plantea un conjunto de estrategias y objetivos de
corto y largo plazo. Tanto las estrategias como los objetivos están fuertemente relacionados y
alineados a los objetivos y metas que la empresa busca alcanzar en los años siguientes. Estos
se proponen según lo establecido en la misión y visión de la organización.
The development of this study has to analyze the current situation of “Distribuidora Comercial San Diego S.A.C., the name of this company is fictitious, in order to protect the name of the company and at the same time while defining strategies that enable success in the following years. The same has been done by developing a strategic plan, a document that was prepared according to the Sequential Model of the strategic process, which is held on the guidelines defined by Professor Fernando D'Alessio Ipinza, CEO of CENTRUM Catholic. During the past four decades “Distribuidora Comercial San Diego S.A.C.” has been developing its operations in the departments of Piura and Tumbes, marketing products in various areas associated with the mass consumer market. In Peru the market for consumer products has been constantly increasing, despite the variations arising out of the crisis in the global economy. The traditional channel represents a potential market niche in front of the modern channel. Finally, this research raises a set of strategies and objectives for the short and long term, which are strongly correlated and aligned to the objectives and goals that the company seeks to achieve in the following years, as set out in both the mission and vision.
The development of this study has to analyze the current situation of “Distribuidora Comercial San Diego S.A.C., the name of this company is fictitious, in order to protect the name of the company and at the same time while defining strategies that enable success in the following years. The same has been done by developing a strategic plan, a document that was prepared according to the Sequential Model of the strategic process, which is held on the guidelines defined by Professor Fernando D'Alessio Ipinza, CEO of CENTRUM Catholic. During the past four decades “Distribuidora Comercial San Diego S.A.C.” has been developing its operations in the departments of Piura and Tumbes, marketing products in various areas associated with the mass consumer market. In Peru the market for consumer products has been constantly increasing, despite the variations arising out of the crisis in the global economy. The traditional channel represents a potential market niche in front of the modern channel. Finally, this research raises a set of strategies and objectives for the short and long term, which are strongly correlated and aligned to the objectives and goals that the company seeks to achieve in the following years, as set out in both the mission and vision.
Comercio minorista, Planificación estratégica
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