Índice de progreso social de la provincia de Sánchez Carrión
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El desarrollo de un país es evaluado generalmente por el Producto Bruto Interno per
cápita (PBIpc), el cual es un indicador de tipo económico, sin embargo, éste tiene
limitaciones debido a que no evidencia el bienestar social, la calidad de vida y el progreso de
la población en su conjunto. Según la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe
(CEPAL, 2017), el Perú ha liderado el crecimiento económico de la región en la última
década y se estima que continuará esta tendencia en los siguientes años. Pero este crecimiento
no se ve reflejado en el bienestar social y ambiental de los ciudadanos, en este sentido y
buscando eliminar la brecha existente, el Índice de Progreso Social (IPS) sirve como una
herramienta que permite medir el bienestar de las personas a través de un enfoque holístico e
integrador, analizando aspectos no económicos de una determinada población, al considerar
indicadores que abarcan aspectos que son esenciales para medir el bienestar humano.
(CENTRUM Católica, 2016). La presente investigación tiene como objetivo determinar el
IPS de la provincia de Sánchez Carrión, así como de los seis sectores definidos para el
desarrollo del estudio, siguiendo la metodología propuesta por el Social Progress Index (SPI)
y bajo el diseño de investigación no experimental, con un enfoque cuantitativo y un alcance
descriptivo. Además, se utilizó el cuestionario proporcionado por Centrum para la
recolección de datos que sirvió como base para la elaboración de la base datos que se utilizó
para el análisis.
Como resultado de la investigación la provincia de Sánchez Carrión se ubicó en el
nivel “bajo” con 52.86 puntos frente a los 61.38 puntos obtenidos por el departamento de La
Libertad en el 2017, resultado que la ubicó a esta última en un nivel “medio bajo”. Respecto a
los sectores 2 y 3, conformados por Huamachuco y Marcabal respectivamente, estos
obtuvieron un nivel “medio bajo”; en tanto los sectores 1, 4, 5 y 6 representados por
Sanagorán; Curgos y Sarin; Chugay; Sartimbamba y Cochorco respectivamente, se ubicaron en un nivel “bajo”. En cuanto a la dimensión Fundamentos del Bienestar, obtuvo un nivel
“extremo bajo” con 28.29 puntos, evidenciando que este resultado es influenciado
negativamente por los componentes Acceso a Información y Telecomunicaciones (17.44),
Sostenibilidad Ambiental (28.57) y Acceso al Conocimiento Básico (38.86); por su parte la
dimensión Necesidades Humanas Básicas se ubicó en el nivel “medio alto” con un resultado
de 70.14 puntos debido principalmente a los niveles obtenidos en los componentes Seguridad
Personal (86.59) y Vivienda y Servicios Públicos (71.14).
The development of a country has been traditionally evaluated in terms of gross domestic product per capita (GDP), which is an economic indicator. However, this has limitations because of there are not evidence the social wellness, quality of life and the progress of society as a whole. According to Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC, 2017), Perú has led the region's economic growth in the last decade and is expected that this trend will continue in the following years. But this growth is not reflected on the social and environmental wellness of citizens; looking to eliminate this gap emerges the Social Progress Index (SPI) as a tool to measure the wellness of people through a holistic and integrative approach, analysing non-economic aspects of national performance considering differents aspects measurements that are esential for human wellness. (CENTRUM Catolica, 2016). The objective of this study is to determine the IPS of Sanchez Carrion province and its eight districts, following the methodology developed by the Social Progress Index (SPI) through non-experimental research by using a quantitative approach and a descriptive scope. As a result of the investigation, the province of Sanchez Carrion was placed at the “low” level with 52.86 points compared to the department of la Libertad with 61.38 points obtained in 2017. placing it at a medium-low level. With respect to the sectors formed by Huamachuco and Marcabal (Sector 2 and 3) was obtained a “medium low” level. The sectors 1, 4, 5 and 6 conformed by Sanagoran, Curgos and Sarin, Chugay, Sartimbamba and Cochorco, were placed at a “low” level. As concerns to the Fundamentals of Welfare dimension with a 28.29 points at “Low end” level shows that this result is negatively influenced by the components Access to Information and Telecommunications (17.44) Environmental Sustainability (28.57) and Access to Basic Knowledge (38.86); on the other hand the Basic Human Needs dimension was placed at the “medium high” level with 70.14 points, due to the levels obtained in the Personal Security (86.59) and Housing and Public Services components (71.14).
The development of a country has been traditionally evaluated in terms of gross domestic product per capita (GDP), which is an economic indicator. However, this has limitations because of there are not evidence the social wellness, quality of life and the progress of society as a whole. According to Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC, 2017), Perú has led the region's economic growth in the last decade and is expected that this trend will continue in the following years. But this growth is not reflected on the social and environmental wellness of citizens; looking to eliminate this gap emerges the Social Progress Index (SPI) as a tool to measure the wellness of people through a holistic and integrative approach, analysing non-economic aspects of national performance considering differents aspects measurements that are esential for human wellness. (CENTRUM Catolica, 2016). The objective of this study is to determine the IPS of Sanchez Carrion province and its eight districts, following the methodology developed by the Social Progress Index (SPI) through non-experimental research by using a quantitative approach and a descriptive scope. As a result of the investigation, the province of Sanchez Carrion was placed at the “low” level with 52.86 points compared to the department of la Libertad with 61.38 points obtained in 2017. placing it at a medium-low level. With respect to the sectors formed by Huamachuco and Marcabal (Sector 2 and 3) was obtained a “medium low” level. The sectors 1, 4, 5 and 6 conformed by Sanagoran, Curgos and Sarin, Chugay, Sartimbamba and Cochorco, were placed at a “low” level. As concerns to the Fundamentals of Welfare dimension with a 28.29 points at “Low end” level shows that this result is negatively influenced by the components Access to Information and Telecommunications (17.44) Environmental Sustainability (28.57) and Access to Basic Knowledge (38.86); on the other hand the Basic Human Needs dimension was placed at the “medium high” level with 70.14 points, due to the levels obtained in the Personal Security (86.59) and Housing and Public Services components (71.14).
Indicadores económicos--Perú--Sánchez Carrión (La Libertad : Provincia), Indicadores sociales--Perú--Sanchéz Carrión (La Libertad : Provincia), Investigación cuantitativa
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