Informe jurídico sobre la resolución N°19 – EXP. 1768-2017
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo tiene por finalidad realizar el estudio de la “Resolución 19 – Exp.
1768-2017”, expedido por la Sala Civil de Cusco, respecto a una pretensión de
El presente informe está divido en dos capítulos: el primero de ellos, referido al estudio
de la motivación empleada en la sentencia materia de estudio; el segundo capítulo,
referido al estudio de la prueba de oficio y su tratamiento en el ordenamiento nacional.
Finalmente, habiendo culminado el estudio de ambos capítulos, se concluye que, en la
sentencia sometida a estudio, no existió una adecuada motivación incurriendo en una
motivación aparente y una falta de motivación interna. Asimismo, se estudiará la figura
de la prueba de oficio y como dicha institución procesal debió aplicarse en la precitada
The purpose of this work is to carry out the study of "Resolution 19 - Exp. 1768-2017", issued by the Civil Chamber of Cusco, regarding a claim for vindication. This report is divided into 2 chapters: the first one refers to the study of the motivation used in the sentence under study; the second chapter, referred to the study of the ex officio test and its treatment in the national legal system. Finally, having completed the study of both chapters, it is concluded that, in the sentence under study, there was no adequate motivation, incurring in an apparent motivation and a lack of internal motivation. Likewise, the figure of the ex officio test will be studied and how said institution should be applied in the aforementioned sentence.
The purpose of this work is to carry out the study of "Resolution 19 - Exp. 1768-2017", issued by the Civil Chamber of Cusco, regarding a claim for vindication. This report is divided into 2 chapters: the first one refers to the study of the motivation used in the sentence under study; the second chapter, referred to the study of the ex officio test and its treatment in the national legal system. Finally, having completed the study of both chapters, it is concluded that, in the sentence under study, there was no adequate motivation, incurring in an apparent motivation and a lack of internal motivation. Likewise, the figure of the ex officio test will be studied and how said institution should be applied in the aforementioned sentence.
Carga de la prueba, Derecho procesal--Perú, Sentencias, Motivación judicial
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