Efectividad comercial en el punto de venta del canal moderno de Lima: supermercados
Medina Yeren, Geraldine Luz Angelica
Vasquez Lezama, Karla Patricia
Pantoja Gonzales, Giancarlo Israel
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En el Perú existe poca información disponible respecto a cómo mejorar la efectividad
comercial en los puntos de venta del canal moderno, específicamente, en supermercados.
Esto conlleva a que las empresas corran el riesgo de tomar decisiones ineficientes; sobre
todo, considerando que una parte importante de las adquisiciones de un comprador (shopper)
es no planificada y se decide en el mismo punto de venta.
Por ello, se planteó esta investigación que tuvo como objetivo identificar las variables
que motivan o desmotivan la compra en el punto de venta de los supermercados entre los
shoppers de la ciudad de Lima. Para alcanzarlo, se diseñó una metodología cualitativa y
cuantitativa transversal y no experimental, entre shoppers de supermercados de esta ciudad y
entre especialistas de marketing.
Los resultados permitieron concluir que el shopper es motivado, principalmente, por
acciones relacionadas al ahorro, a través de ofertas o promociones. En segundo lugar, la
exhibición es una importante influenciadora directa en la decisión de compra; las marcas
deben ubicarse en los espacios para exhibición de productos en supermercados (góndolas) de
acuerdo con el recorrido del shopper. Y, en tercer lugar, se destaca la necesidad de contar con
una alta participación en la góndola a través de la variedad de productos y formatos.
En adición, el canal digital cobra relevancia tanto en su rol de comunicación como de
comercialización pues cuenta con ventajas tangibles para el shopper, como la practicidad,
rapidez y cercanía, que pueden ser capitalizadas por las marcas de consumo.
Se recomienda que tanto las marcas (fabricantes de productos) como el canal
(supermercado) trabajen de manera integrada y que alineen sus esfuerzos estratégicos para el
crecimiento de las ventas de las distintas categorías comercializadas.
In Peru, little information is available regarding how to improve commercial effectiveness at the point of sale in the modern channel, specifically, in supermarkets. This leads to companies running the risk of making inefficient decisions. For this reason, this research was proposed. The objective was to identify the variables that motivate or demotivate purchasing decisions in supermarkets among local shoppers (Lima). To fulfill this objective, a qualitative and quantitative cross-sectional and non-experimental methodology was designed among supermarket shoppers in Lima and among marketing specialists. The study showed that the shopper is motivated, mainly, by actions related to savings or trade promotions. Second, the display is key to the purchasing decision; the location of brands on supermarket shelves must correspond to the shopper's journey. And thirdly, it is important that brands have a high participation on the shelf, through a variety of products and formats. Finally, the digital channel is relevant for shoppers and has advantages for them, such as practicality, speed and proximity, which consumer brands can capitalize on. It is recommended that product brands and supermarkets work in an integrated way and that they align their strategic efforts for category sales growth.
In Peru, little information is available regarding how to improve commercial effectiveness at the point of sale in the modern channel, specifically, in supermarkets. This leads to companies running the risk of making inefficient decisions. For this reason, this research was proposed. The objective was to identify the variables that motivate or demotivate purchasing decisions in supermarkets among local shoppers (Lima). To fulfill this objective, a qualitative and quantitative cross-sectional and non-experimental methodology was designed among supermarket shoppers in Lima and among marketing specialists. The study showed that the shopper is motivated, mainly, by actions related to savings or trade promotions. Second, the display is key to the purchasing decision; the location of brands on supermarket shelves must correspond to the shopper's journey. And thirdly, it is important that brands have a high participation on the shelf, through a variety of products and formats. Finally, the digital channel is relevant for shoppers and has advantages for them, such as practicality, speed and proximity, which consumer brands can capitalize on. It is recommended that product brands and supermarkets work in an integrated way and that they align their strategic efforts for category sales growth.
Satisfacción del cliente, Supermercados--Perú--Lima, Comportamiento del consumidor--Perú--Lima, Servicios al cliente, Planificación estratégica
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