Plan estratégico de comunicación para el mejoramiento del fundraising y posicionamiento de la Asociación Cultural Arena y Esteras de Villa El Salvador (2014-2015)
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El proyecto plantea la mejora del proceso de fundraising y el posicionamiento de la
asociación cultural Arena y Esteras del distrito de Villa El Salvador de la ciudad de Lima,
durante los años 2014 y 2015. Por ello, se han propuesto cuatro ejes temáticos que tienen
que ver con acciones de creación y administración de contenidos, posicionamiento,
relación con los stakeholders e identificación con la causa de la organización. Se
considera que el concepto del fundraising en el Perú es nuevo, por lo que más allá de una
descripción teórica del tema, se busca aplicar sus principios y luego de un análisis de la
problemática que envuelve a la organización se propone soluciones adaptadas al modo de
pensar y a las capacidades observables de Arena y Esteras. Se brindan herramientas que
sirven de apoyo y guía a los esfuerzos de relacionamiento, propiciando la responsabilidad
de sus integrantes y la participación activa de los grupos de interés mediante la firma de
alianzas y acciones de compromiso. Como resultado, es posible señalar que el proyecto
consiguió sentar las bases para una comprensión del proceso de fundraising y su
aplicación, así como mejorar su posicionamiento a nivel interno y externo, acciones que
tienen por finalidad iniciar una serie de cambios en la forma en la que se realiza la
consecución de recursos y cómo se proyecta y es percibida la asociación Arena y Esteras
por su comunidad y los públicos de interés.
The project proposes to improve fundraising process and positioning of cultural association Arena y Esteras of Villa El Salvador district of Lima city during years 2014 and 2015. Four thematic axes have been proposed that have to do with actions of creation and content administration, positioning, relationship with stakeholders and identification with organization cause. It is considered that concept of fundraising in Peru is new, so that, beyond a theoretical description of subject, its principles are applied and after an analysis of the problems surrounding the organization, are proposed adapted solutions to the way of thinking and observable abilities of Arena y Esteras. Tools are given that support and guide collection efforts, promoting responsibility of its members and active participation of the stakeholders by signing alliances and commitment actions. As result, it is possible to point out that the project was able to lay foundations for an understanding of fundraising process and its practical application, as well as to improve its internal and external positioning, actions that aim to initiate change series regarding to as implement of the attainment of resources and how it is projected and is perceived Arena y Esteras association by its community and publics of interest.
The project proposes to improve fundraising process and positioning of cultural association Arena y Esteras of Villa El Salvador district of Lima city during years 2014 and 2015. Four thematic axes have been proposed that have to do with actions of creation and content administration, positioning, relationship with stakeholders and identification with organization cause. It is considered that concept of fundraising in Peru is new, so that, beyond a theoretical description of subject, its principles are applied and after an analysis of the problems surrounding the organization, are proposed adapted solutions to the way of thinking and observable abilities of Arena y Esteras. Tools are given that support and guide collection efforts, promoting responsibility of its members and active participation of the stakeholders by signing alliances and commitment actions. As result, it is possible to point out that the project was able to lay foundations for an understanding of fundraising process and its practical application, as well as to improve its internal and external positioning, actions that aim to initiate change series regarding to as implement of the attainment of resources and how it is projected and is perceived Arena y Esteras association by its community and publics of interest.
Comunicación en administración, Recaudación de fondos, Alianzas estratégicas (Empresas)
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