Informe de la práctica pre-profesional en un aula de 3 años de una institución educativa privada del distrito de Surco - Monterrico
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente documento da forma al trabajo de suficiencia profesional, basado
en la práctica pre-profesional para optar por el grado de licenciada en
Educación Inicial. En ese sentido, reúne experiencias sustentadas en
evidencias que demuestran, por un lado, las capacidades desarrolladas a lo
largo de la experiencia estudiantil, y por otro, los logros alcanzados durante
el periodo de práctica pre-profesional en el contexto de una institución
privada del distrito de Surco – Monterrico, así como las oportunidades de
mejora, con el fin de hacer un análisis exhaustivo del proceso y resultado de
los logros y capacidades adquiridas. Para la construcción de este informe, se
ha implementado como instrumento fundamental el portafolio digital, en el
cual se han recogido las evidencias necesarias para sustentar la suficiencia
profesional de la docente. Así como también se ha hecho uso de dispositivos
de reflexión, como la narración y las parejas pedagógicas, las cuales han
hecho posible un análisis crítico y reflexivo de la práctica pre-profesional.
This document is a report of professional sufficiency, based on the preprofessional internship, to obtain the Early Childhood Education License Degree. In that matter, it brings together evidenced experiences that demonstrate, on one hand, the capabilities developed throughout the student experience; and on the other hand, the achievements made during the preprofessional internship period in the context of a private institution in Surco - Monterrico district. As well as opportunities for improvement, in order to make an exhaustive analysis of the process and result of the achievements and capacities acquired. For the construction of this report, the digital portfolio has been implemented as a fundamental instrument, in which the necessary evidence to support professional sufficiency has been collected. Likewise, the use of diverse devices such as narration and pedagogical couples have made possible a critical and reflexive analysis of pre-professional practice.
This document is a report of professional sufficiency, based on the preprofessional internship, to obtain the Early Childhood Education License Degree. In that matter, it brings together evidenced experiences that demonstrate, on one hand, the capabilities developed throughout the student experience; and on the other hand, the achievements made during the preprofessional internship period in the context of a private institution in Surco - Monterrico district. As well as opportunities for improvement, in order to make an exhaustive analysis of the process and result of the achievements and capacities acquired. For the construction of this report, the digital portfolio has been implemented as a fundamental instrument, in which the necessary evidence to support professional sufficiency has been collected. Likewise, the use of diverse devices such as narration and pedagogical couples have made possible a critical and reflexive analysis of pre-professional practice.
Educación preescolar--Perú--Surco (Lima : Distrito), Educación de niños--Perú--Surco (Lima : Distrito), Formación profesional de maestros
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