Business consulting para la empresa agroindustrial Pafer S.A.C.
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente informe de consultoría se desarrolló para la empresa Agroindustrial
PAFER S.A.C., ubicada en la región Ica, en Perú. Esta empresa se dedica principalmente al
cultivo y venta de páprika, y en menor proporción al cultivo de hortalizas y frutas.
Agroindustrial PAFER S.A.C tiene como cliente estratégico a la empresa Industrial
Comercial Holguin e Hijos S.A, la cual es la primera exportadora nacional de páprika.
Se ha realizado un análisis externo e interno de la empresa, lo que ha permitido
identificar los principales problemas, y luego de una evaluación y ponderación de cada
problema, se identificó como principal a la deficiente gestión de costos de producción. Se
plantearon alternativas potenciales de solución a la problemática encontrada y se eligió la que
tendría un impacto positivo en el corto plazo, lo que permita concientizar a los gerentes sobre
los beneficios de este tipo de proyectos. La alternativa elegida permitió definir proyectos
estratégicos, los cuales se sometieron a metodologías de comparación, eligiendo como
proyecto prioritario a la estandarización de los procesos operativos y capacitación a los
gerentes y mandos medios en gestión estratégica de costos y de operaciones.
Como consecuencia de ello, se formó y desarrolló un equipo de mejora continua, así
como ciclos de capacitaciones, lo cual permitió resultados cualitativos y cuantitativos en
aproximadamente un año. Los beneficios del proyecto se reflejaron principalmente en la
disminución del costo de producción con un rendimiento optimizado y aumentando el
producto de primera calidad. El impacto de la solución se evidenció en la mejora de los
procesos operativos, en la disminución de los costos de producción y en la fijación de un
mejor precio de venta del producto. Los resultados también se reflejaron en los estados
financieros, ya que se logró un incremento en el margen de utilidad, así como un mejor ROI y
ROE para el 2023.
This business consulting was developed to the company Agroindustrial PAFER S.A.C., which is located in Ica, Perú. This company is dedicated mainly to the cultivation of paprika, and in lesser proportion to the cultivation of vegetables and fruits. Their main and strategic customer is Comercial Holguin e Hijos S.A, which is the principal national exporter of paprika. An analysis of the company Agroindustrial PAFER has been carried out to identify the main problems. After the evaluation and weighting of each problem, the result was the deficient management of production costs as the main one. Potential alternative solutions to these problems were proposed and the chosen one will have a positive impact in the short term, so it would also allow managers to become aware of the benefits of this type of project, therefore they would continue with initiatives of greater scope. The chosen alternative made it possible to define strategic projects, which were subjected to comparison methodologies, and thus to choose the standardization of operating processes as a priority project, which include training managers and middle managers in strategic management of costs and operations. Thereby, a continuous improvement team was formed and developed, as well as training cycles. Due to this solution, the company would have qualitative and quantitative results in less than a year. The benefits of this project would reflect mainly in the reduction of the cost of production with an optimized performance, and the increase of the product quality. The impact of the solution would be evidenced by the improvement of operating processes, the reduction of production costs, and the fixing of a better product sale price. In Addition, the results of the solution would be also evidenced by the financial statements, since an increase in the profit margin was achieved, as well as a better ROI and ROE in 2023.
This business consulting was developed to the company Agroindustrial PAFER S.A.C., which is located in Ica, Perú. This company is dedicated mainly to the cultivation of paprika, and in lesser proportion to the cultivation of vegetables and fruits. Their main and strategic customer is Comercial Holguin e Hijos S.A, which is the principal national exporter of paprika. An analysis of the company Agroindustrial PAFER has been carried out to identify the main problems. After the evaluation and weighting of each problem, the result was the deficient management of production costs as the main one. Potential alternative solutions to these problems were proposed and the chosen one will have a positive impact in the short term, so it would also allow managers to become aware of the benefits of this type of project, therefore they would continue with initiatives of greater scope. The chosen alternative made it possible to define strategic projects, which were subjected to comparison methodologies, and thus to choose the standardization of operating processes as a priority project, which include training managers and middle managers in strategic management of costs and operations. Thereby, a continuous improvement team was formed and developed, as well as training cycles. Due to this solution, the company would have qualitative and quantitative results in less than a year. The benefits of this project would reflect mainly in the reduction of the cost of production with an optimized performance, and the increase of the product quality. The impact of the solution would be evidenced by the improvement of operating processes, the reduction of production costs, and the fixing of a better product sale price. In Addition, the results of the solution would be also evidenced by the financial statements, since an increase in the profit margin was achieved, as well as a better ROI and ROE in 2023.
Consultores de empresas--Planificación estratégica, Agricultura orgánica--Perú, Frutas--Industria y comercio--Perú
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