Consultoría de negocios para la empresa ATHLETIC DEPOR SAC
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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Se elaboró esta consultoría de negocios a la empresa Athletic Depor SAC, la cual es una
comercializadora de calzados y prendas deportivas con más de 20 años en el mercado nacional, en
ese sentido, se tiene como objetivo general optimizar la utilización de recursos y mejorar la
organización de la mercadería a través de la metodología 5s. De esta manera, se podrá contribuir a
la generación de un impacto económico organizacional, a través de mejor calidad, productividad y
reducción de costos, así como un impacto social a través de una educación de calidad, por medio
de capacitaciones constantes al personal y brindar un trabajo decente con crecimiento económico
el cual será facilitado por medio de bonos y reconocimientos.
Con la aplicación de esta metodología se logrará reducir pérdidas, aumentar la
confiabilidad en la planeación de la demanda, reducir tiempos de espera, reducir roturas de stock
y mejorar la capacidad de entrega. La validación de esta metodología se realizó a través de una
evaluación cualitativa que considera los factores de viabilidad financiera, apoyo de actores
relevantes, efecto a corto plazo, costo beneficio, sostenibilidad, efecto a largo plazo y viabilidad
técnica. El impacto económico se plantea en tres escenarios: optimista con un VAN de
S/892,178.27, moderado con un VAN de S/ 414, 539.13 y un pesimista con un VAN de
S/255,326.09, por otro lado, genera un impacto social con una proyección en el VAN de
S/35, 934.39. Además se realizó un análisis del impacto social, identificando una incidencia del
23% en inversión en programas de capacitación, asociado al ODS N° 04, y 23% también,
promoviendo el trabajo decente y crecimiento económico de los empleados, asociado a la ODS
N° 08.
This business consultancy was prepared for the company Athletic Depor SAC, which is a marketer of footwear and sportswear with more than 20 years in the national market, in that sense the general objective is to optimize the use of resources and improve the organization of the merchandise through the 5s. In this way, it will be possible to contribute to the generation of organizational economic impact through better quality, productivity and cost reduction, as well as a social impact through. his methodology will reduce losses, increase reliability in demand planning, reduce waiting times, reduce stockouts and improve delivery capacity. With the application of this methodology was carried out through a qualitative evaluation that considers the factors of financial feasibility, support from relevant actors, short-term effect, cost-benefit, sustainability, long-term effect and technical feasibility. The economic impact is proposed in three scenarios: optimistic with a NPV of S/892,178.27, moderated with a NPV of S/414,539.13 and a pessimist with a NPV of S/ 255,326.09, on the other hand, generates a social impact with a projection in the NPV of S/ 35, 934.39. In addition, an analysis of the social impact was carried out, identifying an incidence of 23% in investment in training programs, associated with SDG N°04, and 23% also, promoting decent work and economic growth of employees, associated with ODS N° °08.
This business consultancy was prepared for the company Athletic Depor SAC, which is a marketer of footwear and sportswear with more than 20 years in the national market, in that sense the general objective is to optimize the use of resources and improve the organization of the merchandise through the 5s. In this way, it will be possible to contribute to the generation of organizational economic impact through better quality, productivity and cost reduction, as well as a social impact through. his methodology will reduce losses, increase reliability in demand planning, reduce waiting times, reduce stockouts and improve delivery capacity. With the application of this methodology was carried out through a qualitative evaluation that considers the factors of financial feasibility, support from relevant actors, short-term effect, cost-benefit, sustainability, long-term effect and technical feasibility. The economic impact is proposed in three scenarios: optimistic with a NPV of S/892,178.27, moderated with a NPV of S/414,539.13 and a pessimist with a NPV of S/ 255,326.09, on the other hand, generates a social impact with a projection in the NPV of S/ 35, 934.39. In addition, an analysis of the social impact was carried out, identifying an incidence of 23% in investment in training programs, associated with SDG N°04, and 23% also, promoting decent work and economic growth of employees, associated with ODS N° °08.
Consultores de empresas, Prendas de vestir, Ropa deportiva
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