Modelo prolab: Algarrobar, snack saludable para personas con diabetes y/o celiaquía
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La problemática abordada en el presente trabajo es la necesidad de disminuir el
consumo de productos altos en azúcar, es decir, difundir en la población y motivar la
alimentación saludable.
La determinación de esta problemática se debió al alto y creciente número de personas
que padecen de diabetes y celiaquía; enfermedades que deterioran la calidad de vida y que en
algunos casos terminan causando la muerte. Dicha problemática se determinó mediante el
método de entrevistas a personas afectadas directamente por las enfermedades ya
mencionadas. Con la información obtenida de estas entrevistas se pudo definir el perfil del
usuario que no solo consideraba a las personas afectadas por estas enfermedades sino también
a personas sanas que buscan prevenir estas enfermedades.
La propuesta que se planteó para solucionar esta problemática fue la de elaborar una
barra energética a base de algarroba ya que esta planta tiene las propiedades de ser dulce y
apta para los diabéticos. El producto también es apto para los celiacos dado que tampoco
contiene gluten, buscando ser una alternativa de snack para ser consumida entre comidas y
así evitar el consumo de productos con azúcar y gluten.
Como parte de la evaluación de la propuesta se verificó que el producto cuente con la
aceptación de los consumidores, para lo cual se hicieron experimentos donde los usuarios
tuvieron la oportunidad de definir la presentación del producto como una barra energética con
frutos secos. Así mismo, se evaluó la viabilidad económica donde se obtuvo un VAN positivo
de S/. 3,334,607.
Finalmente, debido al impacto positivo en la salud de las personas la propuesta
impacta positivamente en los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) N° 3, N° 8 y N° 12,
obteniendo un VAN social de S/. 3,167,540 o su equivalente en USD 846,031.
The problem covered in this study is the need to reduce the consumption of products high in sugar, that is, to promote healthy eating among the population and motivate it. The determination of this problem was due to the high and growing number of people suffering from diabetes and celiac disease; diseases that deteriorate the quality of life and in some cases end up causing death. This problem was determined by interviewing people directly affected by the aforementioned diseases. With the information obtained from these interviews it was possible to define the user profile that considered people affected by these diseases and also healthy people who seek to prevent these diseases. The idea that was proposed to solve this problem was to elaborate a bar based on carob, since this plant has the properties of being sweet and suitable for diabetics. The product is also suitable for people with celiac disease, given that it does not contain gluten, seeking to be an alternative snack to be consumed between meals and thus avoid the consumption of products with sugar and gluten. As part of the evaluation of the project, was verified that the product has the acceptance of consumers, for which experiments were conducted where users had the opportunity to define the presentation of the product as an energy bar with nuts and dried fruits. The economic viability was also evaluated and a positive NPV of S/. 3,334,607. Finally, due to the positive impact on people's health, the project has a positive impact on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) N° 3, N° 8 and N° 12, obtaining a social NPV of S/. 3,167,540 or its equivalent in USD 846,031.
The problem covered in this study is the need to reduce the consumption of products high in sugar, that is, to promote healthy eating among the population and motivate it. The determination of this problem was due to the high and growing number of people suffering from diabetes and celiac disease; diseases that deteriorate the quality of life and in some cases end up causing death. This problem was determined by interviewing people directly affected by the aforementioned diseases. With the information obtained from these interviews it was possible to define the user profile that considered people affected by these diseases and also healthy people who seek to prevent these diseases. The idea that was proposed to solve this problem was to elaborate a bar based on carob, since this plant has the properties of being sweet and suitable for diabetics. The product is also suitable for people with celiac disease, given that it does not contain gluten, seeking to be an alternative snack to be consumed between meals and thus avoid the consumption of products with sugar and gluten. As part of the evaluation of the project, was verified that the product has the acceptance of consumers, for which experiments were conducted where users had the opportunity to define the presentation of the product as an energy bar with nuts and dried fruits. The economic viability was also evaluated and a positive NPV of S/. 3,334,607. Finally, due to the positive impact on people's health, the project has a positive impact on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) N° 3, N° 8 and N° 12, obtaining a social NPV of S/. 3,167,540 or its equivalent in USD 846,031.
Alimentos--Industria y comercio--Perú, Algarrobo, Diabetes--Pacientes
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