Informe jurídico del expediente N° 1126-2012/CPC referente a un procedimiento administrativo en materia de protección al consumidor
Amaro Zulueta, Anggie Melissa
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Este informe jurídico busca el análisis en la aplicación y ejecución de ciertas figuras jurídicas
parte del órgano colegiado y Tribunal Administrativo del Indecopi en el marco de un
procedimiento administrativo en materia de protección al consumidor que versa,
particularmente, sobre un caso de comercialización de un can por parte del proveedor. De
tal manera, esta investigación pretende abordar con mayor complejidad los siguientes
aspectos de especial relevancia en el expediente estudiado: la competencia de la Comisión
de Protección al Consumidor y el Órgano Resolutivo de Procedimientos Sumarísimos
(ORPS) para procedimientos que versen en torno a mascotas, la actividad probatoria
realizada por la Comisión del Indecopi y la revisión de actos administrativos. Para dicho
efecto, se emplea doctrina nacional e internacional y diversos pronunciamientos del Indecopi
que llevan a determinar que para este caso en particular si bien resulta competente la
Comisión por contener la denuncia otros actos que afectan intereses difusos; no obstante,
mayoritariamente y determinado por la cuantía, el ORPS es quien conoce y resuelve sobre
este tipo de infracciones. En tal medida, se incluye como reflexión que se amerita una
revisión por parte del legislador sobre las competencias asignadas al ORPS para este tipo
de casos, en tanto y en cuanto, requieren de un despliegue mayor y exhaustivo de la
actividad probatoria por parte del órgano administrativo –que no podría realizarse
adecuadamente en vía sumarísima- a fin determinar el estándar de consumidor razonable y
en consecuencia la responsabilidad administrativa del proveedor.
This legal report aims to analyze the application and enforcement of certain legal concepts by the collegial body and Administrative Tribunal of Indecopi within the framework of an administrative proceeding regarding consumer protection, particularly focusing on a case involving the sale of a dog by the provider. This investigation intends to address with greater complexity the following aspects of special relevance in the case under study: the jurisdiction of the Consumer Protection Commission and the Deciding Bodies of Summary Proceedings (ORPS) regarding proceedings related to pets, the evidentiary activity carried out by the Commission, and the review of administrative acts. For this purpose, national and international doctrine and several pronouncements of Indecopi are employed, leading to the determination that, in this specific case, although the Commission is competent due to the presence of other acts in the complaint that affect diffuse interests; nevertheless, mostly and determined by the quantity, the ORPS is the one who knows and resolves on this type of infringements. To such extent, it is included as a reflection that a review by the legislator on the competences assigned to the ORPS for this type of cases is merited, since it requires a greater and exhaustive deployment of the evidentiary activity by the administrative body - which could not be adequately conducted in a summary proceeding- in order to determine the reasonable consumer standard and, consequently, the administrative liability of the provide.
This legal report aims to analyze the application and enforcement of certain legal concepts by the collegial body and Administrative Tribunal of Indecopi within the framework of an administrative proceeding regarding consumer protection, particularly focusing on a case involving the sale of a dog by the provider. This investigation intends to address with greater complexity the following aspects of special relevance in the case under study: the jurisdiction of the Consumer Protection Commission and the Deciding Bodies of Summary Proceedings (ORPS) regarding proceedings related to pets, the evidentiary activity carried out by the Commission, and the review of administrative acts. For this purpose, national and international doctrine and several pronouncements of Indecopi are employed, leading to the determination that, in this specific case, although the Commission is competent due to the presence of other acts in the complaint that affect diffuse interests; nevertheless, mostly and determined by the quantity, the ORPS is the one who knows and resolves on this type of infringements. To such extent, it is included as a reflection that a review by the legislator on the competences assigned to the ORPS for this type of cases is merited, since it requires a greater and exhaustive deployment of the evidentiary activity by the administrative body - which could not be adequately conducted in a summary proceeding- in order to determine the reasonable consumer standard and, consequently, the administrative liability of the provide.
Protección del consumidor--Legislación--Perú, Sanciones administrativas--Legislación--Perú, Organismos reguladores--Legislación--Perú
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