Calidad en las empresas de transporte de carga terrestre en el Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El transporte de carga terrestre es el principal medio de transporte de bienes en el
Perú, representando más del 87% del global transportado; impulsado principalmente por el
incremento de proyectos en el país y el desarrollo de la infraestructura vial nacional, la cual
representa aproximadamente 24,500 kilómetros. A pesar de presentarse un crecimiento
optimista de los servicios de transporte de carga terrestre en el Perú, el concepto de calidad y
su importancia en el negocio todavía no son percibidos.
Empleando el modelo de Benzaquen, se consideró apropiado realizar el estudio desde
un enfoque descriptivo. Los datos fueron obtenidos gracias a que se tuvo acceso a una amplia
base de datos conformada principalmente por clientes de una empresa fabricante de vehículos
de transporte pesado; los cuales fueron analizados empleando un enfoque cuantitativo.
Finalmente cabe mencionar que la investigación es de carácter transeccional debido al
periodo preciso de tiempo empleado para recolectar los datos.
No existen antecedentes de información sobre calidad en las empresas del sector de
transporte de carga terrestre en el país, por lo tanto, esta investigación servirá como punto de
partida para próximas investigaciones de la calidad en el sector. Para dicho propósito se
realizaron encuestas a los dueños, gerentes y personas con influencia o poder de decisión,
representantes de compañías del sector, haciendo uso de medios electrónicos, entrevistas
presenciales y telefónicas.
Del universo de 300 empresas, se logran obtener 57 encuestas debidamente
completadas. Sobre los resultados obtenidos se aplican herramientas estadísticas para calcular
el grado de confiabilidad en cada uno de los nueve factores que conforman la gestión de la
calidad total. Estos factores están representados en las 35 preguntas de la encuesta de manera
aleatoria y emplean la herramienta de obtención de datos denominado escala de Likert. Como resultado obtuvimos que seis de los nueve factores analizados alcanzan el nivel
de cumplimiento mínimo para considerar que las empresas encuestadas gestionan la calidad
en sus organizaciones, obteniendo como puntaje promedio valores entre 3.5 y 3.68 según la
escala de Likert, los que representan más respuestas “De acuerdo”. Cabe resaltar, que
aproximadamente sólo el 13% de nuestros encuestados indica contar con sistemas de gestión
de calidad, sin embargo el trabajo confirma que el nivel de cumplimiento de los factores de la
gestión de la calidad total son satisfactorios para nuestra muestra, ya que los resultados de la
escala de Likert confirman una tendencia mayoritaria a la respuesta “De acuerdo”, seguida
muy de cerca por “Neutro”.
Land freight transport is the main means of transporting goods in Peru, representing over 87% of global transported; mainly driven by the increase of projects in the country and the development of national road infrastructure which represents about 24,500 kilometers. Although presented an optimistic growth in services land freight transport in Peru, the concept of quality and its importance in the business are not yet perceived. Using the model of Benzaquen, it was considered appropriate to conduct the study from a descriptive approach. The data were obtained thanks to that we can access to a large database consisting mainly of customers of a heavy transport vehicles manufacturer; this data were analyzed using a quantitative approach. Finally it should be mentioned that the investigation has a transectional nature due the time used to collect the data needed for research. There is no history about data collected on the quality from the sector of land freight transport companies in in the country, therefore, the information provided is of importance as a representative sample for the universe of the group of customers of the trucks manufacturer where the database was used. For this purpose, surveys were conducted to owners, managers and those with influence or decision-making power, making use of electronic media, and personal interviews and phone calls. From the universe of 300 companies were able to obtain 57 duly completed surveys. From the results obtained statistical tools are applied to calculate the degree of reliability in each of the nine factors that form up the Total Quality Management. These factors are represented in the 35 survey questions randomly and use the data collection tool called Likert scale. As a result it was found that six of the nine factors analyzed reached minimum level of compliance to consider that the surveyed companies manage quality in their organizations, getting an average score higher than 3.5 and 3.68 according to the Likert scale, which account for more answers "agree ". It should be noted that only about 13% of our respondents indicated having quality management systems, however, the study confirms that the level of compliance of the factors of total quality management are satisfactory for our sample, because the Likert scale results confirm a majority in tendency to answer "OK" followed closely by "Neutral".
Land freight transport is the main means of transporting goods in Peru, representing over 87% of global transported; mainly driven by the increase of projects in the country and the development of national road infrastructure which represents about 24,500 kilometers. Although presented an optimistic growth in services land freight transport in Peru, the concept of quality and its importance in the business are not yet perceived. Using the model of Benzaquen, it was considered appropriate to conduct the study from a descriptive approach. The data were obtained thanks to that we can access to a large database consisting mainly of customers of a heavy transport vehicles manufacturer; this data were analyzed using a quantitative approach. Finally it should be mentioned that the investigation has a transectional nature due the time used to collect the data needed for research. There is no history about data collected on the quality from the sector of land freight transport companies in in the country, therefore, the information provided is of importance as a representative sample for the universe of the group of customers of the trucks manufacturer where the database was used. For this purpose, surveys were conducted to owners, managers and those with influence or decision-making power, making use of electronic media, and personal interviews and phone calls. From the universe of 300 companies were able to obtain 57 duly completed surveys. From the results obtained statistical tools are applied to calculate the degree of reliability in each of the nine factors that form up the Total Quality Management. These factors are represented in the 35 survey questions randomly and use the data collection tool called Likert scale. As a result it was found that six of the nine factors analyzed reached minimum level of compliance to consider that the surveyed companies manage quality in their organizations, getting an average score higher than 3.5 and 3.68 according to the Likert scale, which account for more answers "agree ". It should be noted that only about 13% of our respondents indicated having quality management systems, however, the study confirms that the level of compliance of the factors of total quality management are satisfactory for our sample, because the Likert scale results confirm a majority in tendency to answer "OK" followed closely by "Neutral".
Calidad total, Transporte terrestre--Perú, Investigación cuantitativa
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