Planeamiento estratégico de la uva en el Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En la última década, la demanda mundial por los productos naturales se ha
incrementado. En el Perú esta oportunidad ha sido aprovechada por los productores de uva
fresca de mesa, en un contexto en el que se ha registrado el aumento de las exportaciones en
diversos mercados, siendo los principales países destino Estados Unidos, China, países
europeos, entre otros. Por otro lado, los productos derivados de la uva también han
presentado crecimiento, en especial el pisco que ha impactado en el consumo nacional e
internacional. La ventaja comparativa del Perú con respecto a sus micro climas lo favorece
debido a que se encuentra en condiciones de producir uva durante todo el año; sin embargo,
no es aún aprovechada en su totalidad a pesar de que la agricultura es una de las actividades
principales del sector rural y que con incentivos atractivos puede ser una vía para minimizar
la pobreza en el Perú. Por estas razones, el presente trabajo desarrolla el Plan Estratégico de
la Uva en el Perú.
El Plan Estratégico se elaboró sobre la base del análisis de los factores internos,
externos y de la competitividad de la uva en el Perú, lo cual permitió definir las fortalezas y
debilidades del Perú, así como las oportunidades y amenazas del mercado. Dentro de los
principales factores, se encuentran el clima del Perú, la mano de obra económica, la
disponibilidad de tierras de cultivo para habilitarlas, la alta calidad de la uva fresca y sus
derivados, los tratados de libre comercio que impulsan la comercialización de los productos,
y, en contraparte, la escasez de agua en algunos sectores, el empleo de tecnología para un
adecuado rendimiento, dificultades infraestructurales y logísticas que encarecen la
exportación, entre otros. Sobre la base de todo ello, se proponen los objetivos a largo plazo y
las estrategias para lograrlos, cuyo fin primordial es el desarrollo de dicho sector en el Perú
In the last decade global demand for natural products has increased opportunity for the case of fresh table grapes has been very well used by Peru, showing the increase in exports to different markets, the main countries destination United States, China, and European countries, among others. On the other hand, products derived from grapes have also had a growth especially pisco, a product that has impacted the domestic and international consumption. The comparative advantage of the Peru in which its micro climates can have a grape production throughout the year, is not utilized in full, and with agriculture one of the main activities of the rural sector and with attractive incentives can be a way to minimize poverty in Peru, which is why this paper develops the Strategic Plan of the grape in Peru. The Strategic Plan was developed based on the analysis of internal, external and competitiveness of the grapes in Peru factors, which allowed defining the strengths and weaknesses of Peru, as well as opportunities and threats in the market. Among the main factors climate of Peru, labor cheap, availability of arable land to enable them, the high quality of fresh grapes and its derivatives, the free trade agreements that drive product marketing is, in counterpart water shortages in some sectors, the use of technology for adequate performance, infrastructure and logistical issues that raise exports, among others. Based on all this, the long-term goals and strategies to achieve them, whose primary purpose is the development of this sector in Peru is proposed
In the last decade global demand for natural products has increased opportunity for the case of fresh table grapes has been very well used by Peru, showing the increase in exports to different markets, the main countries destination United States, China, and European countries, among others. On the other hand, products derived from grapes have also had a growth especially pisco, a product that has impacted the domestic and international consumption. The comparative advantage of the Peru in which its micro climates can have a grape production throughout the year, is not utilized in full, and with agriculture one of the main activities of the rural sector and with attractive incentives can be a way to minimize poverty in Peru, which is why this paper develops the Strategic Plan of the grape in Peru. The Strategic Plan was developed based on the analysis of internal, external and competitiveness of the grapes in Peru factors, which allowed defining the strengths and weaknesses of Peru, as well as opportunities and threats in the market. Among the main factors climate of Peru, labor cheap, availability of arable land to enable them, the high quality of fresh grapes and its derivatives, the free trade agreements that drive product marketing is, in counterpart water shortages in some sectors, the use of technology for adequate performance, infrastructure and logistical issues that raise exports, among others. Based on all this, the long-term goals and strategies to achieve them, whose primary purpose is the development of this sector in Peru is proposed
Uvas -- Industria y comercio -- Perú, Agroindustria -- Perú, Planificación estratégica
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