Mujeres lideresas : ¿cómo ha cambiado su representación en un medio informativo impreso? Análisis comparativo entre María Elena Moyano Delgado (1991 - 1992) y Verónika Mendoza Frisch (2016) por el diario “La República”
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La representación de las mujeres políticas en los medios de comunicación influye en la
percepción de la sociedad sobre el rol y las capacidades de estas para ejercer funciones públicas.
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo contribuir al análisis de esta representación en
un medio de comunicación periodístico peruano. Para ello, se ha seleccionado a dos mujeres
que asumieron un rol protagónico en dos periodos distintos de la historia del Perú: María Elena
Moyano Delgado (1991 - 1992) y Verónika Mendoza Frisch (2016). Bajo las teorías del
discurso (Foucault, 1970); análisis crítico del discurso (Van Dijk, 1999); representación (Hall,
1997); liderazgo (Morales y Cuadrado, 2011); estereotipos de género (Sau, 1993); y desarrollo
de la planificación de género (Moser, 1995), se ha pretendido indagar cómo es que la coyuntura
política, el género y la ideología política influyen en la representación que se hace en el medio
de comunicación “La República” sobre dos mujeres con roles políticos protagónicos. Este
análisis se realiza de forma comparativa entre ambos sujetos de estudio. Se ha implementado
una metodología mixta secuencial que permite identificar los elementos principales en torno a
la representación (cuantitativo) para seguidamente profundizar en torno a estos (cualitativo).
En conclusión, los resultados evidencian que los perfiles de liderazgo de ambas mujeres se
construyen asumiendo roles más masculinos hasta cierto punto, frente a la necesidad de
destacar entre los demás para hacerse escuchar. Al mismo tiempo, estos perfiles se ven
influenciados por puntos de partida distintos: una desde un espacio barrial de la mano de
organizaciones de mujeres y la otra como representante de una coalición política que aspira a
llegar al sillón presidencial.
The representation of women politicians in the media influences the perception of society about their role and capacities to exercise public functions. The present research aims to contribute to the analysis of this representation in a journalistic communication medium. Two women have been selected who assumed a leading role in two different periods of Peruvian history: María Elena Moyano Delgado (1991 - 1992) and Verónika Mendoza Frisch (2016). Under the theories of discourse (Foucault, 1970); critical discourse analysis (Van Dijk, 1999); representation (Hall, 1997); leadership (Morales and Cuadrado, 2011); gender stereotypes (Sau, 1993); and development of gender planning (Moser, 1995), it has been tried to investigate how the political context, gender and political ideology influence the representation that is made in the media "La República" about two women with political leading roles. This analysis is carried out in a comparative way between both study subjects. A mixed sequential methodology has been implemented that makes it possible to identify the main elements around representation (quantitative) and then delve into these (qualitative). In conclusion, The results show that the leadership profiles of both women are built assuming more masculine roles to a certain extent, faced with the need to stand out from others to make themselves heard. At the same time, these profiles are influenced by different starting points: one from a neighborhood space in the hands of women's organizations and the other as a representative of a political coalition that aspires to reach the presidential seat.
The representation of women politicians in the media influences the perception of society about their role and capacities to exercise public functions. The present research aims to contribute to the analysis of this representation in a journalistic communication medium. Two women have been selected who assumed a leading role in two different periods of Peruvian history: María Elena Moyano Delgado (1991 - 1992) and Verónika Mendoza Frisch (2016). Under the theories of discourse (Foucault, 1970); critical discourse analysis (Van Dijk, 1999); representation (Hall, 1997); leadership (Morales and Cuadrado, 2011); gender stereotypes (Sau, 1993); and development of gender planning (Moser, 1995), it has been tried to investigate how the political context, gender and political ideology influence the representation that is made in the media "La República" about two women with political leading roles. This analysis is carried out in a comparative way between both study subjects. A mixed sequential methodology has been implemented that makes it possible to identify the main elements around representation (quantitative) and then delve into these (qualitative). In conclusion, The results show that the leadership profiles of both women are built assuming more masculine roles to a certain extent, faced with the need to stand out from others to make themselves heard. At the same time, these profiles are influenced by different starting points: one from a neighborhood space in the hands of women's organizations and the other as a representative of a political coalition that aspires to reach the presidential seat.
Mujeres líderes--Perú, Mujeres en la política--Perú., Moyano Delgado, María Elena,1958-1992--Crítica e interpretación, Mendoza Frisch, Verónika Fanny--Crítica e interpretación
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