Sentido de comunidad y empoderamiento psicológico en mujeres trabajadoras del hogar pertenecientes a dos organizaciones de Lima Metropolitana
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación buscó explorar el rol del sentido de comunidad en el
empoderamiento de mujeres trabajadoras del hogar pertenecientes a dos organizaciones de
Lima Metropolitana. Para ello, se realizaron 8 entrevistas semiestructuradas a mujeres
trabajadoras del hogar que hayan pertenecido a una organización de por lo menos un año. A
través del análisis de contenido se sistematizó la información y se combinaron tanto el
análisis deductivo como el inductivo. Así, se observó que la situación de las trabajadoras del
hogar sigue siendo precaria, ya que se desarrolla en base a relaciones de poder presentes en la
sociedad. También, se halló que el sentido de comunidad se desarrolla a medida que las
trabajadoras del hogar se identifican con el grupo y establecen lazos afectivos con otras
trabajadoras del hogar. Del mismo modo, el empoderamiento psicológico se genera en base a
los cambios personales y recursos que las trabajadoras del hogar desarrollan a medida que
participan en la organización. Finalmente, se puede decir que el sentido de comunidad
refuerza el empoderamiento psicológico, debido a las relaciones que se producen dentro de
las organizaciones permiten reconocer valores y necesidades comunes que guían a la
organización y a sus miembros al cambio.
The present research sought to explore the role of the sense of community in the empowerment of women domestic workers belonging to two organizations in Metropolitan Lima. For that reason, 8 semi-structured interviews were conducted with female domestic workers who have belonged to the organization for at least one year. Through content analysis the information was systematized and both deductive and inductive analysis were combined. Thus, it was observed that the situation of domestic workers continues to be precarious, since it develops on the basis of power relations present in society. Also, it was found that the sense of community develops as domestic workers identify with the group and establish emotional ties with other domestic workers. Besides, psychological empowerment is generated based on the personal changes and resources that domestic workers develop as they participate in the organization. Finally, the sense of community reinforces psychological empowerment, because the relationships that occur within organizations allow the recognition of common values and needs that guide the organization and its members to change.
The present research sought to explore the role of the sense of community in the empowerment of women domestic workers belonging to two organizations in Metropolitan Lima. For that reason, 8 semi-structured interviews were conducted with female domestic workers who have belonged to the organization for at least one year. Through content analysis the information was systematized and both deductive and inductive analysis were combined. Thus, it was observed that the situation of domestic workers continues to be precarious, since it develops on the basis of power relations present in society. Also, it was found that the sense of community develops as domestic workers identify with the group and establish emotional ties with other domestic workers. Besides, psychological empowerment is generated based on the personal changes and resources that domestic workers develop as they participate in the organization. Finally, the sense of community reinforces psychological empowerment, because the relationships that occur within organizations allow the recognition of common values and needs that guide the organization and its members to change.
Discriminación en el trabajo, Empleadas domésticas, Servicio doméstico, Empoderamiento
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