Identificación de las variables que influyen en la aceptación de los precios de los nuevos productos de las empresas emprendedoras participantes de las ferias itinerantes en Lima Metropolitana
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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En el Perú, existe una limitada disponibilidad de datos respecto a cuáles son los factores
que impactan en la aceptación de precios de nuevos productos, específicamente, de aquellas
empresas emergentes que participan en ferias itinerantes en Lima metropolitana. Esto conlleva
a que los emprendedores por desconocimiento de estos factores puedan tomar decisiones
inadecuadas o no aprovechen al máximo cada oportunidad de venta.
Por ello, se planteó esta investigación que tuvo como objetivo principal identificar las
variables que influyen en la aceptación de precios de los nuevos productos de las empresas
emprendedoras participantes de las ferias itinerantes en Lima Metropolitana. Se diseñó una
metodología cualitativa aplicada a consumidores finales, a los emprendedores participantes y
a los especialistas de marketing. A su vez, se diseñó una metodología cuantitativa transversal
y no experimental entre los consumidores finales.
De acuerdo a los hallazgos identificados en los consumidores, las tres razones que
consideran que incentivan la aceptación de precios de los nuevos productos son: la calidad, que
es difícil de encontrar en otro lugar y que sea un producto único y novedoso.
Desde el punto de vista de los emprendedores, las razones destacadas fueron:
innovación de los productos, su sostenibilidad y la disponibilidad de ofertas y promociones.
Desde el punto de vista de los expertos en marketing, la presentación del producto, la
calidad, y la sostenibilidad son factores clave. Además, la influencia del trato amable del
vendedor también lo es, pero en menor medida.
In Peru, there is limited availability of data regarding the factors that impact the price acceptance of new products, specifically, of those emerging companies that participate in traveling fairs in metropolitan Lima. This means that entrepreneurs, due to lack of knowledge of these factors, may make inappropriate decisions or do not make the most of each sales opportunity. For this reason, this research was proposed, the main objective of which was to identify the variables that influence the price acceptance of the new products of the entrepreneurial companies participating in the traveling fairs in Metropolitan Lima. A qualitative methodology was designed applied to final consumers, participating entrepreneurs and marketing specialists. In turn, a transversal and non-experimental quantitative methodology was designed among final consumers. According to the findings identified in consumers, the three reasons they consider that encourage the acceptance of prices for new products are: quality, which is difficult to find elsewhere and that it is a unique and innovative product. From the entrepreneurs' point of view, the highlighted reasons were product innovation, its sustainability and the availability of offers and promotions. From the point of view of marketing experts, product presentation, quality, and sustainability are key factors. In addition, the influence of the seller's friendly treatment is also important but to a lesser extent.
In Peru, there is limited availability of data regarding the factors that impact the price acceptance of new products, specifically, of those emerging companies that participate in traveling fairs in metropolitan Lima. This means that entrepreneurs, due to lack of knowledge of these factors, may make inappropriate decisions or do not make the most of each sales opportunity. For this reason, this research was proposed, the main objective of which was to identify the variables that influence the price acceptance of the new products of the entrepreneurial companies participating in the traveling fairs in Metropolitan Lima. A qualitative methodology was designed applied to final consumers, participating entrepreneurs and marketing specialists. In turn, a transversal and non-experimental quantitative methodology was designed among final consumers. According to the findings identified in consumers, the three reasons they consider that encourage the acceptance of prices for new products are: quality, which is difficult to find elsewhere and that it is a unique and innovative product. From the entrepreneurs' point of view, the highlighted reasons were product innovation, its sustainability and the availability of offers and promotions. From the point of view of marketing experts, product presentation, quality, and sustainability are key factors. In addition, the influence of the seller's friendly treatment is also important but to a lesser extent.
Emprendimiento--Perú, Productos nuevos, Precios, Comportamiento del consumidor
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