Modelo ProLab: Laboratori, plataforma digital para elegir la mejor opción de laboratorios clínicos en Lima Metropolitana
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El problema socialmente relevante es el acceso limitado a los servicios de salud
relacionados con la toma de exámenes médicos que impactan en la calidad de vida de las
personas. La propuesta de solución es desarrollar una plataforma digital denominada
Laboratori, que permite mostrar precios comparativos de exámenes médicos de los
laboratorios formales asociados; brindando la confiabilidad y calidad de los resultados para
su correcto tratamiento; asimismo, ofrece la información de laboratorios clínicos cercanos y
disponibles desde su aplicativo móvil o web, según la ubicación solicitada, mostrando los
servicios disponibles, el tiempo promedio de espera de los resultados, la posibilidad de
agendar citas, alertas de aviso de resultados, realizar pagos y centralizar un historial clínico
Para el proceso de diseño, se utilizó la metodología el Design Thinking con el cual se
recabó información valiosa y una retroalimentación continua de los usuarios para el
desarrollo y validación del prototipo, siempre enfocados en el usuario final. Asimismo, para
validar las hipótesis de deseabilidad se realizaron encuestas y entrevistas al usuario final y
usuario empresario. Los resultados financieros en un horizonte de cinco años, concluyen que
Laboratori es viable con un VAN Económico de US$ 1’476,104, y una TIR Económica del
168%, iniciando con un aporte de capital de S/240,000 y un financiamiento bajo un contrato
de mutuo dinerario de S/120,000 que cubrirán principalmente, los gastos pre operativos, las
necesidades de capital de trabajo y las inversiones en compra de activos fijos y desarrollo de
software, Asimismo, es sostenible porque contribuye con un impacto directo en seis metas
3.8, 3d, 8.2, 8.8, 8.10, 11.6 y tres Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible, con un índice de
relevancia social de 17.14%, y alcanzando un VAN Social de US$ 4’526,914.
The socially relevant problem is limited access to health services related to taking medical examinations, which affects people's quality of life. The objective of our business proposal is to develop a digital platform called Laboratori, which allows showing comparative prices for medical requests from associated formal laboratories; providing the reliability and quality of the results for their correct treatment; Likewise, it offers information on nearby clinical laboratories available from its mobile or web application, depending on the requested location, showing the available services, the average waiting time for results, the possibility of scheduling appointments, result notification alerts, making . payments and centralize a personalized clinical history. For the design process, the Design Thinking methodology was used, with which valuable information and continuous feedback from users were collected for the development and validation of the prototype of our proposal, always focused on the end user. Likewise, to validate the desirability hypotheses, surveys and interviews were carried out with the end user and business user. The financial results of a five-year period conclude that Laboratori is viable with an Economic NPV of US$ 1,476,104, and an Economic IRR of 168.24%, starting with a capital contribution of S/240,000 and financing under a contract. of mutual money of S/120,000 that will mainly cover pre-operating expenses, working capital needs and investments in the purchase of fixed assets and software development. Likewise, it is sustainable because it contributes with a direct impact on six goals 3.8, 3d, 8.2, 8.8, 8.10, 11.6 and three SDGs, with a social relevance index of 17.14%, obtaining a Social NPV of US$ 4,526,914.
The socially relevant problem is limited access to health services related to taking medical examinations, which affects people's quality of life. The objective of our business proposal is to develop a digital platform called Laboratori, which allows showing comparative prices for medical requests from associated formal laboratories; providing the reliability and quality of the results for their correct treatment; Likewise, it offers information on nearby clinical laboratories available from its mobile or web application, depending on the requested location, showing the available services, the average waiting time for results, the possibility of scheduling appointments, result notification alerts, making . payments and centralize a personalized clinical history. For the design process, the Design Thinking methodology was used, with which valuable information and continuous feedback from users were collected for the development and validation of the prototype of our proposal, always focused on the end user. Likewise, to validate the desirability hypotheses, surveys and interviews were carried out with the end user and business user. The financial results of a five-year period conclude that Laboratori is viable with an Economic NPV of US$ 1,476,104, and an Economic IRR of 168.24%, starting with a capital contribution of S/240,000 and financing under a contract. of mutual money of S/120,000 that will mainly cover pre-operating expenses, working capital needs and investments in the purchase of fixed assets and software development. Likewise, it is sustainable because it contributes with a direct impact on six goals 3.8, 3d, 8.2, 8.8, 8.10, 11.6 and three SDGs, with a social relevance index of 17.14%, obtaining a Social NPV of US$ 4,526,914.
Servicios de Salud, Aplicaciones móviles