Peregrinaciones y oráculos en el Imperio inca : la política de la religión
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación, aborda el tema de la peregrinación a los principales centros
oraculares o santuarios que, en tiempos de los incas, ostentaron un gran protagonismo y
una agencia política tal, que les permitieron convertirse en los grandes agentes de
información, comunicación y, sobre todo, de negociación. Analizar las funciones de
carácter político –ligado a la ideología estatal del imperio incaico–, económico –en lo
referente a la gran disposición de recursos materiales y humanos–, social –concerniente
al estatus social y la jerarquía de los peregrinantes– y religioso –subyugado a la ritualidad
y sacralidad– que se operaron al interior de dichas peregrinaciones, así como su
articulación y sistematización, nos ha permitido comprender y entender la esencia de la
política religiosa del mundo andino antiguo. Para ello, nos hemos esmerado en presentar
el estudio de tres casos emblemáticos a saber: los templos del Sol y de la Luna ubicados
en el lago Titicaca, el santuario o centro oracular-ceremonial de Pachacamac y el oráculo
de Catequil en la zona de Huamachuco.
This research deals with the topic of pilgrimage to the main oracles or sanctuaries, which, during times of the Inca, had a great role and such a political agency that allowed them to become the great information, communication and, above all, negotiation agents. To analyze the different functions, such as political –linked to the state ideology of the Inca empire–, economic –in relation to the great provision of material and human resources–, social –concerning the social status and the hierarchy of the pilgrims-, and religious ones– subjugated to rituality and sacredness–, that were working within these pilgrimages, as well as their articulation and systematization, have allowed us to understand the essence of the religious politics of the Andean world. To this end, three emblematic cases have been presented: the temples of the Sun and the Moon located in Lake Titicaca, the sanctuary or oracular-ceremonial center of Pachacamac, and the oracle of Catequil in the Huamachuco area.
This research deals with the topic of pilgrimage to the main oracles or sanctuaries, which, during times of the Inca, had a great role and such a political agency that allowed them to become the great information, communication and, above all, negotiation agents. To analyze the different functions, such as political –linked to the state ideology of the Inca empire–, economic –in relation to the great provision of material and human resources–, social –concerning the social status and the hierarchy of the pilgrims-, and religious ones– subjugated to rituality and sacredness–, that were working within these pilgrimages, as well as their articulation and systematization, have allowed us to understand the essence of the religious politics of the Andean world. To this end, three emblematic cases have been presented: the temples of the Sun and the Moon located in Lake Titicaca, the sanctuary or oracular-ceremonial center of Pachacamac, and the oracle of Catequil in the Huamachuco area.
Oráculos--Perú--Historia, Iglesia y Estado--Perú--Historia--Época incaica, Peregrinaciones--Perú--Historia--Época incaica
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