Facilidad para negociar en Perú a nivel de la Ciudad de Moquegua - Mariscal Nieto
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente estudio tiene como objetivo general analizar las brechas en tiempo, costos
y cantidad de trámites reales y los reglamentados para los cinco aspectos vinculados a la
facilidad para hacer negocios en la provincia de Mariscal Nieto, departamento de Moquegua,
que son: apertura de empresas, registro de propiedad, permisos de construcción, obtención de
electricidad y cumplimiento de contratos.
Este estudio es de tipo cuantitativo, descriptivo, con información de fuentes primarias
y aplicación de entrevistas como herramientas de recolección de datos. Se empleó la
metodología Doing Business propuesta por el Banco Mundial, cuyo objetivo es medir a
través de indicadores la facilidad para hacer negocios, lo cual permite a través de
comparaciones de los resultados obtenidos la difusión y promoción de buenas prácticas que
contribuyan al crecimiento económico de los países.
Los resultados del estudio concluyen que la facilidad para hacer negocios en la
provincia de Mariscal Nieto, departamento de Moquegua según las normas vigentes contiene
diferencias en comparación con lo que sucede en la práctica, las que se encuentran asociadas
a factores como la informalidad, el aspecto cultural y la gestión de las instituciones
encargadas de realizar los trámites para la generación de nuevos negocios
This research aims to analyze the gaps in time, costs and quantity of real process and the regulated ones for the five aspects related to the facility to do business in the province of Mariscal Nieto, department of Moquegua, which are: Starting a Business, Registering Property, Dealing with construction permits, Getting Electricity and Enforcing Contracts. There is a quantitative and descriptive research done in this investigation which uses information from primary sources and application of interviews as tools of data collection. The Doing Business is the methodology proposed by the World Bank, whose objective is to measure through the indicators the ease of doing business, which allows, through comparisons of the results obtained, the dissemination and promotion of good practices that contribute to economic growth of the countries. The results of research conclude that the ease of doing business in the province of Mariscal Nieto, in the department of Moquegua according to the current regulations, contains differences compared to what happens in practice, which are associated with factors such as informality, culture and the management of the institutions in charge of carrying out the procedures for the generation of new businesses
This research aims to analyze the gaps in time, costs and quantity of real process and the regulated ones for the five aspects related to the facility to do business in the province of Mariscal Nieto, department of Moquegua, which are: Starting a Business, Registering Property, Dealing with construction permits, Getting Electricity and Enforcing Contracts. There is a quantitative and descriptive research done in this investigation which uses information from primary sources and application of interviews as tools of data collection. The Doing Business is the methodology proposed by the World Bank, whose objective is to measure through the indicators the ease of doing business, which allows, through comparisons of the results obtained, the dissemination and promotion of good practices that contribute to economic growth of the countries. The results of research conclude that the ease of doing business in the province of Mariscal Nieto, in the department of Moquegua according to the current regulations, contains differences compared to what happens in practice, which are associated with factors such as informality, culture and the management of the institutions in charge of carrying out the procedures for the generation of new businesses
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