Análisis de la estrategia comunicacional del MIMP en su campaña sobre violencia de género: Cambia el chip: hacia masculinidades positivas
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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Para esta investigación se realizó un análisis del discurso sobre masculinidad positiva que
propuso el Ministerio de la Mujer y Poblaciones Vulnerables en su campaña Cambia el Chip:
hacia masculinidades positivas, en el año 2021. Al respecto, en esta investigación se analizaron
los recursos comunicacionales de la campaña, así como la perspectiva de su público objetivo,
varones jóvenes peruanos de 18 a 25 años. Asimismo, la relevancia de esta investigación recayó
en la preocupación por la normalización y continuidad de prácticas de violencia contra la mujer
y la carencia en el diseño de campañas de prevención y erradicación de la violencia contra la
mujer dirigida a varones, ya que la gran mayoría de campañas de este tipo, han sido
históricamente dirigidas a mujeres. En este sentido, esta investigación planteó tres hipótesis
relacionadas al concepto de masculinidad positiva, el abordaje superficial de la masculinidad
positiva en los recursos comunicacionales de la campaña y la perspectiva negativa del público
objetivo que rechaza estos recursos por ser condenatorios. Sin embargo, en la investigación se
halló que el concepto de masculinidad positiva es correcto, pero su abordaje es superficial,
debido a la poca profundización en las herramientas y conceptos relevantes relacionados a los
tres temas que desarrolla la campaña: pertenencia en pareja, violencia sexual digital y
paternidades afectivas. Finalmente, se halló que los varones entrevistados presentan una
perspectiva positiva sobre los spots, pero no sobre las piezas gráficas.
This research aims to know the discourse on positive masculinity proposed by the Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations in its campaign Change the Chip: towards positive masculinities. In this regard, in this research the communication resources of the campaign will be analyzed, as well as the perspective of its public objective, young Peruvian men between the ages of 18 and 25 years. Likewise, the relevance of this research lies in the concern for the normalization and continuity of practices of violence against women and the lack in the design of campaigns for the prevention and eradication of violence against women directed at men, since the great Most campaigns of this type have historically been directed at women. In this sense, this research raised three hypotheses related to the concept of positive masculinity, the superficial approach to positive masculinity in the campaign's communication resources, and the negative perspective of the target audience that rejects these resources because they are condemnatory. However, in the investigation it was found that the concept of positive masculinity is correct, but its approach is superficial, due to the little depth in the tools and related concepts relevant to the three themes that develop the campaign: belonging to a couple, sexual digital violence and affective parenting. Finally, it was found that the interviewed men presented a positive perspective on the spots, but not on the graphic pieces.
This research aims to know the discourse on positive masculinity proposed by the Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations in its campaign Change the Chip: towards positive masculinities. In this regard, in this research the communication resources of the campaign will be analyzed, as well as the perspective of its public objective, young Peruvian men between the ages of 18 and 25 years. Likewise, the relevance of this research lies in the concern for the normalization and continuity of practices of violence against women and the lack in the design of campaigns for the prevention and eradication of violence against women directed at men, since the great Most campaigns of this type have historically been directed at women. In this sense, this research raised three hypotheses related to the concept of positive masculinity, the superficial approach to positive masculinity in the campaign's communication resources, and the negative perspective of the target audience that rejects these resources because they are condemnatory. However, in the investigation it was found that the concept of positive masculinity is correct, but its approach is superficial, due to the little depth in the tools and related concepts relevant to the three themes that develop the campaign: belonging to a couple, sexual digital violence and affective parenting. Finally, it was found that the interviewed men presented a positive perspective on the spots, but not on the graphic pieces.
Perú. Ministerio de la Mujer y Poblaciones Vulnerables, Investigaciones evaluativas (Programas de acción social)--Perú, Violencia contra la mujer--Perú, Masculinidad--Perú
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