Nosotras también queremos y sabemos jugar: comunicación educativa para el empoderamiento femenino en la práctica del deporte recreativo comunitario. Caso: Fundación Fútbol Más Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo analizar las prácticas de comunicación educativa
que potencian el liderazgo de las adolescentes en su comunidad a través de una intervención
socio deportiva. Este trabajo de investigación se sustenta en la necesidad de crear más
oportunidades de participación para las adolescentes, permitiéndoles fortalecer sus habilidades
de liderazgo y convertirse en modelos a seguir en sus comunidades.
El estudio se basa en las experiencias de ex participantes del programa que desempeñaron roles
de liderazgo comunitario entre 2015 y 2019. A través de diversas actividades socioeducativas,
se exploró cómo estas experiencias contribuyeron al desarrollo de habilidades y capacidades
de liderazgo. Para ello, se realizó la investigación desde un enfoque cualitativo, y se tomó en
cuenta realizar 21 entrevistas semi estructuradas a ex lideresas barriales, madres de familia,
referentes en el barrio, así como ex profesionales del programa.
Como principal conclusión se destaca que el empoderamiento construido de estas adolescentes
en sus comunidades (al apropiarse de un espacio y realizar una actividad tradicionalmente
‘masculina’) presenta una dimensión comunicacional evidenciado en las relaciones (de poder)
vecinales y/o familiares que terminaron por respaldar y fortalecer a las adolescentes en su
capacidad de interacción; por otro lado, se interpeló –durante las sesiones y los eventos
deportivos- las narrativas o relatos que circulaban en la comunidad sobre los roles que les
‘correspondían’ a las adolescentes y que ayudó a que ellas mismas reafirmaran su propia
manera de verse, describirse y actuar como sujetos (sus ocupaciones y desempeños actuales).
The present research aims to analyze educational communication practices that enhance the leadership of teenage girls in their community through a socio-sport intervention. This research is grounded in the need to create more opportunities for teenage girls to strengthen their leadership skills and become role models in their communities. The study is based on the experiences of former program participants who assumed community leadership roles between 2015 and 2019. Through various socio-educational activities, we explored how these contributed to the development of leadership skills and capacities. The research was conducted using a qualitative approach, involving 21 semistructured interviews with former community leaders, mothers, local influencers, and former program professionals. The main conclusion highlights that the empowerment achieved by these teenage girls in their communities (by appropriating a space and engaging in a traditionally 'masculine' activity) has a communicational dimension evidenced in neighborhood and/or family power relations that ended up supporting and strengthening the girls' capacity for interaction. Additionally, during sessions and sports events, the narratives circulating in the community about the roles 'assigned' to teenage girls were challenged. This process helped the girls themselves reaffirm their own way of seeing, describing, and acting as individuals, including their current occupations and performances.
The present research aims to analyze educational communication practices that enhance the leadership of teenage girls in their community through a socio-sport intervention. This research is grounded in the need to create more opportunities for teenage girls to strengthen their leadership skills and become role models in their communities. The study is based on the experiences of former program participants who assumed community leadership roles between 2015 and 2019. Through various socio-educational activities, we explored how these contributed to the development of leadership skills and capacities. The research was conducted using a qualitative approach, involving 21 semistructured interviews with former community leaders, mothers, local influencers, and former program professionals. The main conclusion highlights that the empowerment achieved by these teenage girls in their communities (by appropriating a space and engaging in a traditionally 'masculine' activity) has a communicational dimension evidenced in neighborhood and/or family power relations that ended up supporting and strengthening the girls' capacity for interaction. Additionally, during sessions and sports events, the narratives circulating in the community about the roles 'assigned' to teenage girls were challenged. This process helped the girls themselves reaffirm their own way of seeing, describing, and acting as individuals, including their current occupations and performances.
Comunicación en educación, Identidad de género, Empoderamiento, Liderazgo (Educación), Adolescentes--Aspectos sociales
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