Aplicación de herramientas Lean en Sistemas Integrados de Gestión (SIG) en una Empresa de gestión de la energía de media y baja tensión, para mejorar el NSS de Despacho
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
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El concepto de Lean se ha ejecutado como una herramienta, metodología y/o cultura
organizacional alcanzando diferentes niveles de impacto en las respectivas organizaciones; sin
embargo, Minaya (2013) afirma que pocas empresas han empleado las herramientas Lean en el
Perú y no menciona casos conocidos en los que se hayan aplicado en procesos determinados
como estratégicos a nivel organizacional y por ende se desconoce su impacto a este nivel.
En esta tesis se ha aplicado Lean como herramienta en el proceso estratégico Sistemas
Integrados de Gestión (SIG), en la filial peruana de una empresa transnacional del sector de
gestión de energía en media y baja tensión; con el fin de mejorar la satisfacción de sus clientes
(definido por el indicador NSS, Net Score Satisfaction por sus siglas en ingles), y estar acorde
con la tasa de crecimiento y la competencia con empresas similares a la del presente estudio,
mediante la reducción del tiempo de resolución de las no conformidades provenientes de
auditorías internas. La necesidad de implementar metodologías enfocadas en la agilidad de
procesos para garantizar una adecuada respuesta a sus clientes ha permitido aplicar Lean como
herramienta dentro del alcance del Sistema Integrado de gestión, de este alcance se ha tomado
como muestra el proceso de Despacho, ejecutándose una serie de actividades enfocadas a
mejorar la satisfacción de los clientes, resultado que se ha visto reflejado en el indicador
corporativo denominado como NSS (específicamente en el punto de contacto con el cliente
llamado Get Products Delivered, el cual monitorea la satisfacción del cliente en el proceso
muestra de Despacho), adicionalmente se eligió este proceso porque es considerado por la
organización como un punto de contacto álgido con el Cliente.
Al final de este estudio de observa la identificación y posterior eliminación de desperdicios
Lean en el proceso Sistemas Integrados de Gestión y el proceso de muestra “Despacho”. Con la
implementación del Plan de Mejora, se han determinado los principales “desperdicios” (Espera,
Movimiento y Sobreproceso) que impactaban de forma negativa a estos procesos. El proceso de
Sistemas Integrados de Gestión redujo el tiempo de resolución de no conformidades, alcanzando
el objetivo corporativo de cierre el cual es 90 días y el proceso Despacho supero el cumplimiento
del objetivo (+5 puntos), con el mejoramiento del indicador NSS en +6.9 puntos (comparando la
segunda mitad del año 2019: 29.4 puntos con el año 2020: 36.3 puntos). Las herramientas
empleadas de Lean Service son: Mapa del flujo de valor (VSM, por sus siglas en inglés Value
Steam Mapping), para observar, identificar y evaluar los desperdicios y A3, para mejorar el
tiempo de respuesta de las no conformidades provenientes de auditorías internas gestionado por
el proceso estratégico Sistemas integrados de Gestión. Además de ello, se ha realizado la
propuesta e implementación un Plan de Trabajo en el área de Sistemas integrados de Gestión y
Despacho para mantener y seguir mejorando los resultados obtenidos en esta tesis.
The Lean concept has been implemented as a tool, methodology and/or organizational culture reaching different levels of impact in the respective organizations; However, in Peru, Minaya (2013) affirms that few companies have used Lean tools in Peru and does not mention known cases in which they have been applied in processes determined to be strategic at the organizational level and therefore their impact is unknown. this level. In this thesis, Lean has been applied as a tool in the strategic process Integrated Management Systems (IMS), in the Peruvian subsidiary of a transnational company in the medium and low voltage energy management sector; in order to improve customer satisfaction (defined by the NSS indicator, Net Score Satisfaction), and be in line with the growth rate and competition with companies similar to the one in this study, by reducing of the resolution time for non-conformities arising from internal audits. The need to implement methodologies focused on the agility of processes to guarantee an adequate response to its clients has allowed the application of Lean as a tool within the scope of the Integrated Management System, of this scope the Dispatch process has been taken as a sample, executing a series of activities focused on improving customer satisfaction, a result that has been reflected in the corporate indicator called NSS (specifically at the point of contact with the customer called Get Products Delivered, which monitors customer satisfaction in the sample process. Dispatch), this process was additionally chosen because it is considered by the organization as a critical point of contact with the Client. At the end of this study, the identification and subsequent elimination of Lean waste is observed in the Integrated Management Systems process and the "Despatch" sample process. With the implementation of the Improvement Plan, the main "waste" (Waiting, Movement and Overprocessing) that negatively impacted these processes have been determined. The Integrated Management Systems process reduced the time to resolve non-conformities, reached the corporate objective of 90 days and the Dispatch process exceeded the objective (+5 points), with the improvement of the NSS indicator by +6.9 points (compared to second half of the year 2019: 29.4 to 2020: 36.3). The Lean Service tools used are Value Stream Map (VSM), to observe waste and A3, to improve the response time of non-conformities from internal audits managed by the strategic process Integrated Management Systems. In addition to this, the proposal and implementation of a Work Plan in the area of Integrated Management and Dispatch Systems has been carried out to maintain and continue improving the results obtained in this thesis.
The Lean concept has been implemented as a tool, methodology and/or organizational culture reaching different levels of impact in the respective organizations; However, in Peru, Minaya (2013) affirms that few companies have used Lean tools in Peru and does not mention known cases in which they have been applied in processes determined to be strategic at the organizational level and therefore their impact is unknown. this level. In this thesis, Lean has been applied as a tool in the strategic process Integrated Management Systems (IMS), in the Peruvian subsidiary of a transnational company in the medium and low voltage energy management sector; in order to improve customer satisfaction (defined by the NSS indicator, Net Score Satisfaction), and be in line with the growth rate and competition with companies similar to the one in this study, by reducing of the resolution time for non-conformities arising from internal audits. The need to implement methodologies focused on the agility of processes to guarantee an adequate response to its clients has allowed the application of Lean as a tool within the scope of the Integrated Management System, of this scope the Dispatch process has been taken as a sample, executing a series of activities focused on improving customer satisfaction, a result that has been reflected in the corporate indicator called NSS (specifically at the point of contact with the customer called Get Products Delivered, which monitors customer satisfaction in the sample process. Dispatch), this process was additionally chosen because it is considered by the organization as a critical point of contact with the Client. At the end of this study, the identification and subsequent elimination of Lean waste is observed in the Integrated Management Systems process and the "Despatch" sample process. With the implementation of the Improvement Plan, the main "waste" (Waiting, Movement and Overprocessing) that negatively impacted these processes have been determined. The Integrated Management Systems process reduced the time to resolve non-conformities, reached the corporate objective of 90 days and the Dispatch process exceeded the objective (+5 points), with the improvement of the NSS indicator by +6.9 points (compared to second half of the year 2019: 29.4 to 2020: 36.3). The Lean Service tools used are Value Stream Map (VSM), to observe waste and A3, to improve the response time of non-conformities from internal audits managed by the strategic process Integrated Management Systems. In addition to this, the proposal and implementation of a Work Plan in the area of Integrated Management and Dispatch Systems has been carried out to maintain and continue improving the results obtained in this thesis.
Control de procesos--Mejoramiento, Control de calidad