Planeamiento estratégico para la Industria peruana de la madera y derivados
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La industria de la Madera y sus Derivados conoce un gran crecimiento a nivel
mundial. La madera, a diferencia de muchos otros recursos naturales, es un producto
ecológico, renovable, y utilizado de manera adecuada, posee características de calidad que
sobrepasan a las de sus principales sustitutos. Por ello, este sector es uno de los únicos con
una proyección de desarrollo a nivel global garantizada por los próximos 50 años.
En el Perú sin embargo, la industria de la madera y sus derivados no ha recibido la
atención necesaria, ya sea por parte del sector público o del sector privado. A pesar de que
nuestro país está catalogado como uno de los nueve países con mayor potencial forestal en el
mundo, casi todos nuestros vecinos a nivel sudamericano nos superan tanto en capacidad
productiva como en ingresos generados gracias a las exportaciones. La tala ilegal, la falta de
inversión en investigación y desarrollo, la poca rentabilidad por hectárea y sobretodo la falta
de un Plan Estratégico para el sector, han permitido que nos encontremos actualmente con
una industria con poco crecimiento y que representa menos del 0.5% de nuestro PBI.
Este documento propone el Plan Estratégico de la Industria de la Madera y sus
Derivados, cuyo objetivo es el desarrollo del sector, alcanzando la visión trazada hacia el
horizonte 2027 con un importante nivel de ventas, rentabilidad atractiva, generación de
empleo estable y bien remunerado, y una alta competitividad. Una vez definida la Visión, se
fijaron cuatro objetivos a largo plazo necesarios para su alcance, quienes a su vez se sustentan
en 17 objetivos a corto plazo. Todo ello será posible luego de implementar nueve estrategias,
resultantes de las matrices estudiadas, basadas principalmente en el aumento de plantaciones
forestales, mejora de la calidad de nuestra madera, protección de los recursos naturales y
búsqueda de nuevos mercados
Wood and wood-based products Industry is expected to have a significant growth worldwide. Unlike other types of natural resources, timber is an ecological, renewable product and, used properly, possesses special quality characteristics that exceed its substitute products. For this reason, Wood industry is almost the only resource sector to have a positive growth projection guaranteed for the next fifteen years. In Peru nevertheless, Timber Industry and its byproducts have not been receiving proper attention from public and private sectors. Despite being catalogued amongst the top nine countries in the world in forestry potential, practically all neighboring countries in South America have overcome our country in production capacities as well as in export generated income. Nowadays, our industry lacks growing perspectives and represents less than 0.5% of Peruvian Gross Domestic Product. This is mainly due to extensive illegal logging, lack of research and development investment, low operation yields and the absence of a general strategic plan for the industry. With that in mind, this document sponsors a complete Wood and wood-based products Industry Strategic Plan, whose purpose is to develop this sector and achieve our 2027 vision. This vision includes a large level of sales, both domestic and international, high profitability and well remunerated stable jobs. The aim of this Strategic Plan is to maximize the natural potential of Peru, based on defined strategies, short-term and long term objectives, so as our industry will thrive at the forefront in the Latin American region as well as globally
Wood and wood-based products Industry is expected to have a significant growth worldwide. Unlike other types of natural resources, timber is an ecological, renewable product and, used properly, possesses special quality characteristics that exceed its substitute products. For this reason, Wood industry is almost the only resource sector to have a positive growth projection guaranteed for the next fifteen years. In Peru nevertheless, Timber Industry and its byproducts have not been receiving proper attention from public and private sectors. Despite being catalogued amongst the top nine countries in the world in forestry potential, practically all neighboring countries in South America have overcome our country in production capacities as well as in export generated income. Nowadays, our industry lacks growing perspectives and represents less than 0.5% of Peruvian Gross Domestic Product. This is mainly due to extensive illegal logging, lack of research and development investment, low operation yields and the absence of a general strategic plan for the industry. With that in mind, this document sponsors a complete Wood and wood-based products Industry Strategic Plan, whose purpose is to develop this sector and achieve our 2027 vision. This vision includes a large level of sales, both domestic and international, high profitability and well remunerated stable jobs. The aim of this Strategic Plan is to maximize the natural potential of Peru, based on defined strategies, short-term and long term objectives, so as our industry will thrive at the forefront in the Latin American region as well as globally
Planificación estratégica
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