Una mirada a los cambios en las configuraciones relacionales de una mujer violentada participante de un proceso psicoanalítico breve
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Este estudio sistemático de caso único tiene como objetivo describir los cambios
en las configuraciones relacionales de una mujer violentada por su pareja participante de
un proceso de psicoterapia psicoanalítico breve. La intervención basada en el modelo
psicoterapia dinámica interpersonal breve (DIT), se centró en el trabajo del foco afectivo
interpersonal. Para el análisis del material clínico constituido por los episodios
relacionales de las tres primeras y tres últimas sesiones, se aplicó el método CCRT-LUS
y un análisis temático. Los resultados evidenciaron que el foco de la intervención
psicoanalítica breve es consistente con la configuración relacional dominante inicial
según el CCRT-LU-S. Los patrones relacionales mostraron cambios significativos en los
componentes de deseos y respuestas tanto del objeto como del sujeto, a excepción de las
respuestas del sujeto dirigidas hacia sí misma. Asimismo, las configuraciones relacionales
es un constructo pertinente como foco de trabajo en la intervención psicoanalítica breve
con mujeres violentadas por su pareja.
This systematic study of a single case aims to describe the changes in the relational configurations of a woman who has been maltreated by her partner in a process of brief psychoanalytic psychotherapy. The intervention based on the model of brief interpersonal dynamic psychotherapy (DIT), focused on the work of the interpersonal affective focus. For the analysis of the clinical material constituted by the relational episodes of the first three and three last sessions, the CCRT-LU-S method and a thematic analysis were applied. The results showed that the focus of the brief psychoanalytic intervention is consistent with the initial dominant relational configuration according to the CCRT-LUS. Relational patterns showed significant changes in the components of desires and responses of both the object and the subject, except for the subject's responses directed towards herself. Likewise, relational configurations are a relevant construct as a focus of work in brief psychoanalytic intervention with women maltreated by their partner.
This systematic study of a single case aims to describe the changes in the relational configurations of a woman who has been maltreated by her partner in a process of brief psychoanalytic psychotherapy. The intervention based on the model of brief interpersonal dynamic psychotherapy (DIT), focused on the work of the interpersonal affective focus. For the analysis of the clinical material constituted by the relational episodes of the first three and three last sessions, the CCRT-LU-S method and a thematic analysis were applied. The results showed that the focus of the brief psychoanalytic intervention is consistent with the initial dominant relational configuration according to the CCRT-LUS. Relational patterns showed significant changes in the components of desires and responses of both the object and the subject, except for the subject's responses directed towards herself. Likewise, relational configurations are a relevant construct as a focus of work in brief psychoanalytic intervention with women maltreated by their partner.
Violencia contra la mujer, Violencia familiar, Psicoanálisis, Psicoterapia