Relación entre la comprensión del discurso narrativo oral y la memoria de trabajo en niños de 06 a 08 años de edad de una institución educativa privada de la ciudad de Arequipa
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo determinar la relación entre la comprensión
del discurso narrativo oral y la memoria de trabajo en niños de 06 a 08 años de edad de una institución
educativa privada de Arequipa. Con este fin, se realizó un estudio de alcance descriptivocorrelacional
con una muestra constituida por 111 alumnos que cursan el primer y segundo grado de
primaria, a quienes se les aplicó el sub test “Comprensión de narraciones” de la prueba Evaluación
del discurso narrativo (EDNA), en la que los niños oían tres cuentos y respondían a preguntas literales
e inferenciales; y el sub test “Dígitos” de la Escala de inteligencia de Wechsler para niños (WISCV),
con el fin de evaluar la capacidad de recuerdo de dígitos de orden directo e inverso. Se halló que
existe una relación significativa y baja entre la comprensión del discurso narrativo oral y la memoria
de trabajo observándose diferencias en función a la edad. Los resultados indican que, si bien la
memoria de trabajo desempeña un papel en la comprensión de textos narrativos orales en dichas
edades, esta no puede considerarse de forma aislada como un factor determinante.
The objective of this research is to determine the relationship between the comprehension of oral narrative discourse and working memory in children from 06 to 08 years old from a private educational institution in Arequipa. To this end, a descriptive-correlational scope study was carried out with a sample consisting of 111 students who attend the first and second grade of primary school, to whom the subtest “Understanding of narratives” of the Evaluation of narrative discourse test was applied (EDNA), in which children heard three stories and responded to literal and inferential questions; and the “Digits” subtest of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-V), in order to evaluate the ability to remember digits of direct and inverse order. It was found that there is a significant and low relationship between the comprehension of oral narrative discourse and working memory, with differences observed depending on age. The results indicate that, although working memory plays a role in the comprehension of oral narrative texts at these ages, it cannot be considered in isolation as a determining factor.
The objective of this research is to determine the relationship between the comprehension of oral narrative discourse and working memory in children from 06 to 08 years old from a private educational institution in Arequipa. To this end, a descriptive-correlational scope study was carried out with a sample consisting of 111 students who attend the first and second grade of primary school, to whom the subtest “Understanding of narratives” of the Evaluation of narrative discourse test was applied (EDNA), in which children heard three stories and responded to literal and inferential questions; and the “Digits” subtest of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-V), in order to evaluate the ability to remember digits of direct and inverse order. It was found that there is a significant and low relationship between the comprehension of oral narrative discourse and working memory, with differences observed depending on age. The results indicate that, although working memory plays a role in the comprehension of oral narrative texts at these ages, it cannot be considered in isolation as a determining factor.
Comprensión, Psicología del aprendizaje, Aprendizaje cognitivo, Memoria--Evaluación
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