Cacao nativo, una oportunidad de biocomercio para los cacaoteros de la provincia de Satipo
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Las regiones tropicales del Perú, alberga gran variabilidad de cacao silvestre y cacao nativo
gracias a las comunidades locales y nativas que alcanzaron domesticar para la subsistencia
alimentaria. Satipo produce el 68% de cacao criollo1; pero la baja calidad de grano en el mercado,
no permite una justa retribución económica para los pequeños productores de variedades
nativas de cacao, encontrándose desvalorizado económica y culturalmente. Estas variedades
nativas están siendo remplazado por clones de cacao mejorado, como el CCN-51, por sus buenas
características agronómicas: mayor rendimiento y resistencia a plagas y enfermedades, que
pueden generar degradación genética en las variedades nativas. Razón del interés de la
presente investigación que aborda el estudio de la participación de los principales actores de la
cadena de valor de cacao nativo, así como la identificación, caracterización físico-químico y
organoléptico de variedades nativas de cacao producidas en el seno de tres organizaciones del
distrito de Río negro. Para la evaluación de la cadena de valor se ha utilizado la metodología
ValueLinks (GTZ); para la identificación de la variedad nativa de cacao, se usó la metodología de
descriptores morfológicos y agronómicos del MINAGRI (2014). La caracterización de la calidad
de cacao nativo, fue evaluada por métodos físico-químico y sensorial. Los resultados muestran
las condiciones en que se desarrolla la actividad por parte de las organizaciones de productores,
quienes manejan parcelas familiares (área de parcela 1.75 ha) bajo sistemas de producción
tradicional y orgánico, con alto grado de responsabilidad ambiental; 72.3% de los socios son
adultos (41-80 años) con un bajo nivel de estudio; el 48.4% de los productores alcanzan un bajo
rendimiento productivo entre 251-500 Kg/ha. La evaluación morfológica de las variedades de
cacao, confirman que es un cacao nativo domesticado por las comunidades locales, con una
caracterización sensorial fino de aroma, destacando los aromas cítricos, panela, caramelo y
chocolate; denominado localmente como “cacao nativo de San Juan de Cheni”; se evidencia que
los beneficios económicos no son equitativos, la organización apenas alcanza una participación
de los beneficios de 4.1% en la cadena. En lo que respecta al cumplimiento de los principios y
criterios del Biocomercio, las tres organizaciones cumplen con cuatro principios y siete criterios
del Biocomercio. APROCHENI, además cumple con dos principios y cuatro criterios adicionales
1 Estudio realizado en el 2008, denominando “cacao criollo” a las variedades nativas.
In the tropical regions of Peru, there are a great variability of wild and native cocoa thanks to local and native communities that were able tame food for subsistence, Satipo produce the 68% of creole cocoa; but the qualite low of bean in the market, doesn’t allow fair economic remuneration for small producers of local cocoa varieties, being economically and culturally devalued. These local varieties are being replaced by improved cocoa clones, such as CCN-51, for their good agronomic characteristics: more yield and resistence to pests and diseases, at risk of achieving genetic degradation on these varieties. Reason for the interest of this research that addresses the study of the participation of the main actors in the native cocoa value chain, as well as thephiysical-chemical and organoleptic identification and characterization of local varieties of cocoa produced within these three organizations in the Rio Negro district. The valueLinks (GTZ) methodology has been used for value chain evaluation; MINAGRIS’s (2014) morphological and agronomic descriptor methodology was used, the characterization of the quality of native cocoa, was evaluated by physical-chemical and sensory methods perfomed in certified laboratorios. The results show the working conditions of the activity by the three producer organizations, whit management of family áreas (average áreas 1.75 ha) under traditional and organic production systems, whit a hig degree of environmental responsibility; 72.3% of members are adults (41-80 years old) whit a low level of study (59.4% are at full and incomplete primary level); 48.4% of producers achieve a yield between 251-500 Kg/ha. The morphological evaluation of cocoa varieties confirms that it is native cocoa domesticated by local communities, whit a fine sensory characterization of aroma, highlighting citrus aromas, panela, caramel and chocolate, locally referred to as “native cocoa of San Juan de Cheni”; finally, it’s evident that economic benefits of the value chain are doesn’t equitable.
In the tropical regions of Peru, there are a great variability of wild and native cocoa thanks to local and native communities that were able tame food for subsistence, Satipo produce the 68% of creole cocoa; but the qualite low of bean in the market, doesn’t allow fair economic remuneration for small producers of local cocoa varieties, being economically and culturally devalued. These local varieties are being replaced by improved cocoa clones, such as CCN-51, for their good agronomic characteristics: more yield and resistence to pests and diseases, at risk of achieving genetic degradation on these varieties. Reason for the interest of this research that addresses the study of the participation of the main actors in the native cocoa value chain, as well as thephiysical-chemical and organoleptic identification and characterization of local varieties of cocoa produced within these three organizations in the Rio Negro district. The valueLinks (GTZ) methodology has been used for value chain evaluation; MINAGRIS’s (2014) morphological and agronomic descriptor methodology was used, the characterization of the quality of native cocoa, was evaluated by physical-chemical and sensory methods perfomed in certified laboratorios. The results show the working conditions of the activity by the three producer organizations, whit management of family áreas (average áreas 1.75 ha) under traditional and organic production systems, whit a hig degree of environmental responsibility; 72.3% of members are adults (41-80 years old) whit a low level of study (59.4% are at full and incomplete primary level); 48.4% of producers achieve a yield between 251-500 Kg/ha. The morphological evaluation of cocoa varieties confirms that it is native cocoa domesticated by local communities, whit a fine sensory characterization of aroma, highlighting citrus aromas, panela, caramel and chocolate, locally referred to as “native cocoa of San Juan de Cheni”; finally, it’s evident that economic benefits of the value chain are doesn’t equitable.
Cacao--Producción y consumo--Perú--Satipo (Junín : Provincia), Cacao--Perú--Satipo (Junín : Provincia), Cacao--Comercialización--Perú--Satipo (Junín : Provincia), Biodiversidad--Conservación--Perú--Satipo (Junín : Provincia), Comunidades nativas--Perú--Satipo (Junín : Provincia)
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