Business consulting de la gestión de operaciones productivas en la empresa Espinoza Asociados S.A.
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La empresa Espinoza Asociados S.A.(ESPIASA) es una compañía que tiene más de
30 años dedicado a la fabricación de equipos y repuestos para la industria minera; la empresa
tiene como ventaja competitiva ofrecer productos de calidad, que le permite reforzar la
fidelización de los clientes. Actualmente, uno de los principales problemas de ESPIASA es la
entrega de los pedidos con retraso, el 63% de los pedidos atendidos al cliente se entregan
fuera de la fecha ofrecida, para la empresa esto es un riesgo debido a la alta probabilidad de
perder clientes en un mediano plazo, debido a las necesidades del mercado para que cada vez
disminuyan los tiempos de atención para hacer más eficiente las cadenas de suministros.
El objetivo del Business Consulting es elaborar una propuesta que le permita a
ESPIASA mejorar los tiempos de entrega, la metodología inicia aplicando el diagrama de
Ishikawa, matriz de confrontación, diagrama de Pareto y metodología de 5 porqué para
identificar las principales causas raíz del problema. La implementación de las alternativas de
solución involucra la aplicación de herramientas de Lean Manufacturing, alineados a los
objetivos estratégicos de la matriz FODA, como el Value Stream Mapping, las 5S y la
estandarización de procesos y gestión de inventarios. Esta implementación logra reducir el
tiempo de atención de una familia de productos de 36 días a 5 días; esto le permite a
ESPIASA mejorar su propuesta de valor al cliente para que ahora se diferencia por calidad y
tiempo de entrega de la familia de productos que se analizó.
El estudio finaliza con una evaluación financiera para analizar la viabilidad de la
implementación de las propuestas de solución, la inversión requerida asciende a S/. 194,445 y
con un VAN de S/ 209,398; una TIR de 55% y un payback de 2 años, lo cual confirma la
rentabilidad del proyecto.
The company Espinoza Asociados S.A. (ESPIASA) is a company that has more than 30 years dedicated to the manufacture of equipment and spare parts for the mining industry; The company's competitive advantage is to offer quality products, which allows it to strengthen customer loyalty. Currently one of the main problems of ESPIASA is the delivery of orders late, 63% of the orders served to the customer are delivered outside the offered date, for the company this is a risk due to the high probability of losing customers in in the medium term, due to market needs to increasingly reduce service times to make supply chains more efficient. The objective of Business Consulting is to prepare a proposal that allows ESPIASA to improve delivery times. The methodology begins by applying the Ishikawa diagram, confrontation matrix, Pareto diagram and 5 why methodology to identify the main root causes of the problem. The implementation of the solution alternatives involves the application of Lean Manufacturing tools, aligned with the strategic objectives of the SWOT matrix, such as Value Stream Mapping, 5S and the standardization of processes and inventory management. This implementation manages to reduce the service time of a family of products from 36 days to 5 days; This allows ESPIASA to improve its value proposition to the customer so that it is differentiated by quality and delivery time of the family of products that was analyzed. The study ends with a financial evaluation to analyze the viability of the implementation of the solution proposals, the required investment amounts to S/. 194,445 and with a NPV of S/ 209,398; an IRR of 55% and a payback of 2 years, which confirms the profitability of the project.
The company Espinoza Asociados S.A. (ESPIASA) is a company that has more than 30 years dedicated to the manufacture of equipment and spare parts for the mining industry; The company's competitive advantage is to offer quality products, which allows it to strengthen customer loyalty. Currently one of the main problems of ESPIASA is the delivery of orders late, 63% of the orders served to the customer are delivered outside the offered date, for the company this is a risk due to the high probability of losing customers in in the medium term, due to market needs to increasingly reduce service times to make supply chains more efficient. The objective of Business Consulting is to prepare a proposal that allows ESPIASA to improve delivery times. The methodology begins by applying the Ishikawa diagram, confrontation matrix, Pareto diagram and 5 why methodology to identify the main root causes of the problem. The implementation of the solution alternatives involves the application of Lean Manufacturing tools, aligned with the strategic objectives of the SWOT matrix, such as Value Stream Mapping, 5S and the standardization of processes and inventory management. This implementation manages to reduce the service time of a family of products from 36 days to 5 days; This allows ESPIASA to improve its value proposition to the customer so that it is differentiated by quality and delivery time of the family of products that was analyzed. The study ends with a financial evaluation to analyze the viability of the implementation of the solution proposals, the required investment amounts to S/. 194,445 and with a NPV of S/ 209,398; an IRR of 55% and a payback of 2 years, which confirms the profitability of the project.
Planificación de la producción, Industria minera--Producción--Administración
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