Planeamiento estratégico de la naranja
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo propone un plan estratégico para la industria de la naranja en el
Perú, con la finalidad de consolidarlo como el segundo exportador de naranjas de Sudamérica
para el año 2023, logrando una posición de liderazgo en los mercados de Europa y América
del Norte, manteniendo un marco de responsabilidad social, y cuidando el medioambiente.
A la fecha, el Perú consume toda su producción de naranja, por lo que la propuesta
contempla aprovechar su posición geográfica de contraestación a los grandes consumidores,
aumentar la producción y la productividad, y mejorar la calidad de sus productos para
ingresar a los grandes mercados que permiten una mayor rentabilidad, logrando así mejoras
económicas para todos los participantes que intervienen en el proceso.
El presente instrumento se ha realizado tomando como marco conceptual el modelo
secuencial, en donde se han identificados los factores críticos para el desarrollo del sector
naranja estableciendo objetivos a largo plazo y estrategias que se deben implementar para
This project proposes a strategic plan for the orange industry in Peru with the purpose of consolidating the country the second exporter of oranges in South America in 2023, by achieving a leadership position in the European and North American markets and maintaining a framework of social responsibility while protecting the environment. Nowadays, Peru consumes its own orange production, that’s why this proposal contemplate to take advantage of its counterseason geographical position to the biggest consumers, increase production and productivity and improve its products quality for entering to the most important and biggest markets that allow a better profitability, thus achieving economic improvements for the participants involved in this process. This document was executed taking as conceptual framework the Sequential Model, where some critical factors were identified for the development of the orange sector, establishing long term objectives and strategies that should be implemented for meet them
This project proposes a strategic plan for the orange industry in Peru with the purpose of consolidating the country the second exporter of oranges in South America in 2023, by achieving a leadership position in the European and North American markets and maintaining a framework of social responsibility while protecting the environment. Nowadays, Peru consumes its own orange production, that’s why this proposal contemplate to take advantage of its counterseason geographical position to the biggest consumers, increase production and productivity and improve its products quality for entering to the most important and biggest markets that allow a better profitability, thus achieving economic improvements for the participants involved in this process. This document was executed taking as conceptual framework the Sequential Model, where some critical factors were identified for the development of the orange sector, establishing long term objectives and strategies that should be implemented for meet them
Naranjas -- Industria y comercio -- Perú, Frutas -- Industria y comercio -- Perú, Planificación estratégica
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