Planeamiento estratégico de Azor Ingenieros S.R.L
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente plan estratégico se ha desarrollado para la empresa AZOR Ingenieros, la
cual busca crecer y ser reconocida como proveedora de servicios de consultoría en ingeniería
y construcción de obras civiles. Para realizar el trabajo se ha utilizado el esquema del Proceso
Estratégico, desarrollado por D’Alessio (2013), partiendo del hecho de que la empresa está
ubicada en el departamento de Ayacucho y su participación de mercado actual es apenas del
0.03%, estando en gran medida limitada por la poca expansión geográfica que ha tenido. En
el año 2014, los accionistas hicieron un incremento de capital social, con el objetivo de
participar en mayor cantidad de licitaciones públicas. Logrando ventas por S/. 3’607,405 en
el año 2015.
Los resultados de este trabajo plantean que la empresa incremente sus ventas para el
año 2020, logrando ingresos por S/. 6 millones, con una cobertura geográfica en toda la
macro región sur este, que contempla los departamentos de Puno, Cuzco, Madre de Dios y
Apurímac. Es así que dentro de cinco años, el 60% de las ventas se generarán en estos
departamentos y el restante 40% en Ayacucho, donde la empresa ya se ha consolidado.
Estos objetivos se lograrán a través de la implementación de las siguientes estrategias,
las cuales llevarán a la organización a una posición de liderazgo, satisfaciendo a sus clientes:
(a) penetrar el mercado actual con servicios de asesoría y consultoría en ingeniería; (b)
desarrollar sistema para identificar requerimientos públicos y presentar licitaciones; (c) crear
servicios de valor agregado para los clientes, a través de unidades de negocios independientes
para cada obra; (d) desarrollar el servicio de Estudios de Impacto Ambiental; (e) desarrollar
los mercados de Apurímac, Cuzco, Madre de Dios y Puno; (f) actualizar los equipos, sean
adquiridos o alquilados; (g) desarrollar un concepto de marca; (h) formar mandos medios,
delegando autoridad y responsabilidad; (i) apalancarse financieramente para adquirir
This document is a strategic plan developed for the company AZOR Ingenieros, which is seeking for growth and recognition in the market of engineering consulting services and civil construction works. To develop this document, researchers followed the scheme provided by D’Alessio (2013), that has proven to be adequately for a company located in the department of Ayacucho, and that only has a national market share of 0.03%, being largely restricted by the limited geographical expansion has had. In 2014, shareholders made a capital increase, in order to participate in as many public tenders. Company sales reached S/. 3’607,405 during 2015. Results indicate that the company is able to increase sales by 2020, achieving revenues of S/. 5 million, with a geographical coverage throughout the macro southeastern region, which includes the departments of Puno, Cuzco, Madre de Dios and Apurimac. So that within five years, 60% of sales are generated in these departments and 40% in Ayacucho, where the company already has established. These objectives are going to be achieved by implementing the following strategies, which take the organization to a leadership position, satisfying customers: (a) penetrate the current market advisory and consultative engineering; (b) develop public system to identify requirements and submit tenders; (c) create value added services to customers, through independent business units for each work; (d) develop the service of environmental impact studies; (e) developing the market of Apurimac, Cuzco, Madre de Dios and Puno; (f) upgrade equipment, whether owned or rented; (g) developing a brand concept; (h) forming middle management, delegating authority and responsibility; (i) financial leverage to acquire technology.
This document is a strategic plan developed for the company AZOR Ingenieros, which is seeking for growth and recognition in the market of engineering consulting services and civil construction works. To develop this document, researchers followed the scheme provided by D’Alessio (2013), that has proven to be adequately for a company located in the department of Ayacucho, and that only has a national market share of 0.03%, being largely restricted by the limited geographical expansion has had. In 2014, shareholders made a capital increase, in order to participate in as many public tenders. Company sales reached S/. 3’607,405 during 2015. Results indicate that the company is able to increase sales by 2020, achieving revenues of S/. 5 million, with a geographical coverage throughout the macro southeastern region, which includes the departments of Puno, Cuzco, Madre de Dios and Apurimac. So that within five years, 60% of sales are generated in these departments and 40% in Ayacucho, where the company already has established. These objectives are going to be achieved by implementing the following strategies, which take the organization to a leadership position, satisfying customers: (a) penetrate the current market advisory and consultative engineering; (b) develop public system to identify requirements and submit tenders; (c) create value added services to customers, through independent business units for each work; (d) develop the service of environmental impact studies; (e) developing the market of Apurimac, Cuzco, Madre de Dios and Puno; (f) upgrade equipment, whether owned or rented; (g) developing a brand concept; (h) forming middle management, delegating authority and responsibility; (i) financial leverage to acquire technology.
Microfinanzas--Perú, Planificación estratégica
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