Sentencia del 01 de octubre de 2021 de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos: Caso Vera Rojas vs. Chile
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
En el Estado chileno el sistema de seguridad social es heterogéneo, es decir reconoce
el derecho a la cobertura de la salud por instituciones públicas y privadas. Según el
Sistema Nacional de Servicios de Salud a cargo del Ministerio de Salud, el sector
privado contribuye mediante las Instituciones de Salud Previsional, llamadas Isapres.
Es así que la empresa aseguradora Isapre MasVida dejó de dar cobertura a Martina
Rojas Vera después de catalogar su enfermedad como una enfermedad crónica
basando su decisión en una norma del sector salud. Por ello, el problema principal del
presente informe será determinar si el Estado chileno violó el derecho a la seguridad
social a través de los actos de la empresa.
Así mismo, los principales instrumentos normativos empleados en el informe serán la
Convención Americana de Derechos Humanos, Observaciones generales del Comité
de Derechos Económicos, Sociales y Culturales, jurisprudencia de la Corte
Interamericana de Derechos Humanos, opiniones especializadas de órganos
subsidiarios de la ONU, el Amicus Curiae de una institución educativa jurídica, doctrina
especializada entre otros.
Finalmente, las principales conclusiones son dos. En primer lugar, afirmar el deber que
tienen los Estados al normar y supervisar el comportamiento de las empresas privadas
para prevenir la vulneración de los derechos humanos. La segunda es resaltar el deber
de protección que tiene el Estado respecto de las personas con discapacidad respecto
al acceso en igualdad de condiciones a su derecho a la protección social.
In the Chilean State, the social security system is heterogeneous, that is, it recognizes the right to health coverage by public and private institutions. According to the National Health Services System in charge of the Ministry of Health, the private sector contributes through Social Security Institutions, called Isapres. So, the insurance company Isapre MasVida stopped providing coverage to Martina Rojas Vera after classifying her illness as a chronic illness, basing its decision on a norm of the health sector. Therefore, the main problem of this report will be to determine if the Chilean State violated the right to social security through the actions of the company. Likewise, the main normative instruments used in the report will be the American Convention on Human Rights, general observations of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, jurisprudence of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, specialized opinions of subsidiary bodies of the UN, the Amicus Curiae of a legal educational institution, specialized doctrine among others. Finally, the main conclusions are two. In the first place, affirm the duty that States have when regulating and supervising the behavior of private companies to prevent the violation of human rights. The second is to highlight the State's duty to protect persons with disabilities regarding equal access to their right to social protection.
In the Chilean State, the social security system is heterogeneous, that is, it recognizes the right to health coverage by public and private institutions. According to the National Health Services System in charge of the Ministry of Health, the private sector contributes through Social Security Institutions, called Isapres. So, the insurance company Isapre MasVida stopped providing coverage to Martina Rojas Vera after classifying her illness as a chronic illness, basing its decision on a norm of the health sector. Therefore, the main problem of this report will be to determine if the Chilean State violated the right to social security through the actions of the company. Likewise, the main normative instruments used in the report will be the American Convention on Human Rights, general observations of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, jurisprudence of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, specialized opinions of subsidiary bodies of the UN, the Amicus Curiae of a legal educational institution, specialized doctrine among others. Finally, the main conclusions are two. In the first place, affirm the duty that States have when regulating and supervising the behavior of private companies to prevent the violation of human rights. The second is to highlight the State's duty to protect persons with disabilities regarding equal access to their right to social protection.
Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos--Jurisprudencia, Seguridad social--Jurisprudencia--Chile, Salud pública--Aspectos legales--Chile, Responsabilidad del Estado (Derecho internacional)
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