Transparencia corporativa en el sector de servicios públicos en el Perú
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo proponer un Índice de Transparencia
Corporativa (ITC) y validarlo en las empresas que brindan servicios públicos en el Perú.
Este instrumento se elaboró bajo el concepto, características y aplicación de la
transparencia corporativa, teniendo en cuenta a los grupos de interés y la metodología de la
OCDE (2008). La investigación tiene un enfoque cualitativo, se delimita la población a una
muestra de 24 empresas peruanas del sector de servicios públicos que cotizan en la Bolsa de
Valores de Lima. El instrumento de medición tiene las siguientes dimensiones: (a)
información general, (b) información financiera, (c) responsabilidad social, empresarial y
medio ambiente, (d) gobierno corporativo y (e) información complementaria que incluye un
total de 37 elementos.
Se utilizó el método de Alfa de Cronbach para determinar la robustez y confiabilidad
del instrumento de medición del ITC, obteniéndose un valor de 0.946 en el análisis lo que
demuestra la confiabilidad del modelo.
Al aplicar el modelo en el sector de servicios públicos, se obtuvo un puntaje de 61%
en el ITC global del sector ubicándolo en un nivel medio; la dimensión que obtuvo la mayor
puntuación es la económica financiera con 80%, seguido de la dimensión información
general con 75%, en tercer lugar la dimensión responsabilidad social y medio ambiente con
57%, en cuarto lugar la dimensión anticorrupción y gobierno corporativo con 44%, y
finalmente la dimensión información complementaria con 43%.
En relación a los resultados por empresas, los mejores puntajes más altos de ITC son:
Sociedad Eléctrica del Sur Oeste, Sedapal, Enel Generación Piura, Enel Distribución Perú y
Empresa de Generación Eléctrica San Gabán. Las empresas con los puntajes más bajos del
ITC son: Termochilca, Shougang Generación Eléctrica, Peruana de Energía, Atria Energía y
Conelsur. Se concluye que las dimensiones con obligatoriedad de divulgación como
información general, información económica y financiera, de gobierno corporativo tienen un
alto nivel de cumplimiento de transparencia corporativa, comparado con las dimensiones de
información voluntaria como las relacionadas a la atención al cliente, responsabilidad social
empresarial y medio ambiente y anticorrupción.
This present research has the aims to propose a Corporate Transparency Index (ITC) and validate it in companies that provide public services in Peru. This instrument was developed under the concept, characteristics and application of corporate transparency, taking into account the stakeholders and the OECD methodology (2008). The research has a qualitative approach, the population is delimited to a sample of 24 Peruvian companies in the public services sector that are listed on the Lima Stock Exchange. The measuring instrument has the following dimensions: (a) general information, (b) financial information, (c) social, business and environmental responsibility, (d) corporate governance and (e) complementary information which includes a total of 37 elements. The Cronbach Alpha method was used to determine the robustness and reliability of the ITC measuring instrument, obtaining a value of 0.946 in the analysis, which demonstrates the reliability of the model. When applying the model in the public services sector, a score of 61% was obtained in the global ITC of the sector, placing it at a medium level; the dimension that obtained the highest score is the financial economic with 80%, followed by the general information dimension with 75%, thirdly the social responsibility and environmental dimension with 57%, fourthly the anti-corruption and corporate governance dimension with 44 %, and finally the complementary information dimension with 43%. In relation to the results by companies, the best highest ITC scores are: Sociedad Eléctrica del Sur Oeste, Sedapal, Enel Generación Piura, Enel Distribución Perú and Empresa de Generación Eléctrica San Gabán. The companies with the lowest ITC scores are: Termochilca, Shougang Electric Generation, Peruvian Energy, Atria Energía and Conelsur. It is concluded that the dimensions with mandatory disclosure as general, economic and financial information of corporate governance have a high level of compliance with corporate transparency, compared to the dimensions of voluntary information such as those related to customer service, corporate social responsibility and environment and anti-corruption.
This present research has the aims to propose a Corporate Transparency Index (ITC) and validate it in companies that provide public services in Peru. This instrument was developed under the concept, characteristics and application of corporate transparency, taking into account the stakeholders and the OECD methodology (2008). The research has a qualitative approach, the population is delimited to a sample of 24 Peruvian companies in the public services sector that are listed on the Lima Stock Exchange. The measuring instrument has the following dimensions: (a) general information, (b) financial information, (c) social, business and environmental responsibility, (d) corporate governance and (e) complementary information which includes a total of 37 elements. The Cronbach Alpha method was used to determine the robustness and reliability of the ITC measuring instrument, obtaining a value of 0.946 in the analysis, which demonstrates the reliability of the model. When applying the model in the public services sector, a score of 61% was obtained in the global ITC of the sector, placing it at a medium level; the dimension that obtained the highest score is the financial economic with 80%, followed by the general information dimension with 75%, thirdly the social responsibility and environmental dimension with 57%, fourthly the anti-corruption and corporate governance dimension with 44 %, and finally the complementary information dimension with 43%. In relation to the results by companies, the best highest ITC scores are: Sociedad Eléctrica del Sur Oeste, Sedapal, Enel Generación Piura, Enel Distribución Perú and Empresa de Generación Eléctrica San Gabán. The companies with the lowest ITC scores are: Termochilca, Shougang Electric Generation, Peruvian Energy, Atria Energía and Conelsur. It is concluded that the dimensions with mandatory disclosure as general, economic and financial information of corporate governance have a high level of compliance with corporate transparency, compared to the dimensions of voluntary information such as those related to customer service, corporate social responsibility and environment and anti-corruption.
Indicadores económicos--Perú, Indicadores sociales--Perú, Servicios públicos--Perú, Transparencia corporativa--Perú
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