Plan estratégico de la región Apurímac
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El plan estratégico para la región Apurímac tiene por objeto plantear de manera
precisa y ágil, las acciones esenciales que permitan orientar la actuación del Gobierno
Regional para los próximos años. El presente plan tiene como base analítica una revisión de
la situación actual de la región respecto al país, que permitirá detallar sus fortalezas,
debilidades, oportunidades y amenazas. Con este conocimiento de la región Apurímac se
podrá establecer las estrategias que permitirán lograr los objetivos de largo plazo y por ende
la visión al 2025. El plan estratégico está basado en cinco intereses de la región, obtenidos de
sus mayores problemas, como lo es el alto porcentaje de pobreza en el área urbana y rural, el
bajo índice de acceso a los servicios básicos de agua y desagüe, así como el acceso a los
servicios de salud, el bajo rendimiento escolar en razonamiento matemático y verbal y por
último el alto porcentaje de subempleo.
La región Apurímac cuenta con una variedad de recursos que le permiten desarrollar
actividades agrícolas, pecuarias y sobre todo mineras. Posee actualmente una gran gama de
proyectos mineros que le permitirán obtener ingresos por canon siempre que los proyectos
empiecen a operar, siendo este ingreso utilizado para el financiamiento de varios proyectos
que beneficien a la población. De esta manera lograr que la región al año 2025 muestre
mejoras sustanciales en la calidad de vida de la población, resultando en un mayor desarrollo.
The strategic plan for the Apurimac region aims to set a way precise and agile, essential actions to allow the action of the Regional Government for the coming years. This plan is based in analytical review of the current situation in the region in front of the country, which will detail their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. With this knowledge of the Apurimac region will be able to establish strategies that will achieve long-term objectives and therefore the vision to 2025. The strategic plan is based on five interests in the region, obtained from their biggest problems, such as the high rate of poverty in urban and rural areas, the low level of access to basic water and drainage, as well as the access to health services, poor school performance in mathematical and verbal reasoning and finally the high rate of underemployment.. The Apurimac region has a variety of resources that allow them to develop agricultural activities, livestock and especially mining. Currently has a wide range of mining projects which allow them to earn income by canon, as long as this projects start operating, this income will be used to finance many projects that benefit the population. In this way make the region 2025 to show substantial improvements in the quality of life of the population, resulting in a further development.
The strategic plan for the Apurimac region aims to set a way precise and agile, essential actions to allow the action of the Regional Government for the coming years. This plan is based in analytical review of the current situation in the region in front of the country, which will detail their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. With this knowledge of the Apurimac region will be able to establish strategies that will achieve long-term objectives and therefore the vision to 2025. The strategic plan is based on five interests in the region, obtained from their biggest problems, such as the high rate of poverty in urban and rural areas, the low level of access to basic water and drainage, as well as the access to health services, poor school performance in mathematical and verbal reasoning and finally the high rate of underemployment.. The Apurimac region has a variety of resources that allow them to develop agricultural activities, livestock and especially mining. Currently has a wide range of mining projects which allow them to earn income by canon, as long as this projects start operating, this income will be used to finance many projects that benefit the population. In this way make the region 2025 to show substantial improvements in the quality of life of the population, resulting in a further development.
Planificación regional--Perú--Apurímac, Desarrollo regional--Perú--Apurímac, Planificación estratégica
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