Estrategia comunitaria del Programa Nacional Aurora: un estudio sobre la participación comunitaria de las «Facilitadoras en Acción» en la prevención de la violencia contra la mujer, implementado por los Centros Emergencia Mujer de los distritos de San Martín de Porres y del Callao
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo examinar la experiencia de participación
comunitaria de mujeres lideresas de los distritos de San Martín de Porres (SMP) y el Callao.
Estas mujeres provienen de espacios organizativos y voluntariamente decidieron participar
de la intervención comunitaria con líderes y lideresas de las organizaciones sociales del
Programa Nacional Aurora a través de los Centros Emergencia Mujer (CEM). La
investigación es de carácter cualitativo, pues se recogieron percepciones, opiniones y
testimonios de las mujeres lideresas y actores claves que tuvieron injerencia directa en la
Los resultados hallados son tres. El primero es la definición de empoderamiento como un
proceso mediante el cual las mujeres lideresas se fortalecen como actoras, toman la
decisión de salir del ámbito privado y se movilizan para prevenir la violencia en sus
comunidades. El segundo resultado es la constatación de la limitada articulación entre los
CEM y los gobiernos locales. Esto se evidencia en la respuesta interinstitucional débil en
ambos distritos y la limitada atención de las demandas de las facilitadoras durante las
acciones preventivas. Así mismo, en ningún caso se incorporaron en sus instrumentos de
gestión municipal políticas en materia de prevención de la violencia de género. El último
resultado es la existencia de dos tipos de reconocimiento hacia las facilitadoras: social e
institucional. La primera deviene de la vocación de servicio en el acompañamiento a sus
pares para denunciar hechos de violencia. La segunda es el reconocimiento institucional
de las autoridades. En el caso del distrito de SMP, el reconocimiento ha sido un proceso
automático; situación contraria ha sido la del Callao, donde las autoridades no han
reconocido a la red de facilitadoras como una organización social en prevención de la
violencia. Finalmente, se presentan las recomendaciones en base a las limitaciones
manifestadas por las lideresas a fin de fortalecer la participación comunitaria en la lucha
contra la violencia hacia las mujeres.
This research aimed to examine the community participation experience of women leaders in the districts of San Martin de Porres (SMP) and Callao. These women come from organizational spaces and voluntarily decided to participate in community intervention with leaders of the social organization "Programa Nacional Aurora" through the "Centros Emergencia Mujer (CEM)." The research is qualitative, as perceptions, opinions, and testimonies were collected from women leaders and stakeholders directly involved in the intervention. The results found are three. The first is the definition of empowerment as a process through which women leaders are strengthened as actors, decide to leave the private sphere, and mobilize to prevent violence in their communities. The second result is the finding of limited articulation between CEMs and local governments. This result is evidenced by the weak interinstitutional response in both districts and the limited attention to the demands of the facilitators during preventive actions. Likewise, in neither case were gender violence prevention policies incorporated into their municipal management instruments. Lastly, two types of recognition exist for the facilitators: social and institutional. The first comes from the vocation of service in accompanying their peers in denouncing acts of violence. The second is institutional recognition by the authorities. In the case of the SMP district, recognition has been an automatic process; the opposite has occurred in Callao, where the authorities have not recognized the facilitators' network as a social organization in preventing violence. Finally, recommendations are presented based on the limitations of women leaders to strengthen community participation in the fight against violence against women.
This research aimed to examine the community participation experience of women leaders in the districts of San Martin de Porres (SMP) and Callao. These women come from organizational spaces and voluntarily decided to participate in community intervention with leaders of the social organization "Programa Nacional Aurora" through the "Centros Emergencia Mujer (CEM)." The research is qualitative, as perceptions, opinions, and testimonies were collected from women leaders and stakeholders directly involved in the intervention. The results found are three. The first is the definition of empowerment as a process through which women leaders are strengthened as actors, decide to leave the private sphere, and mobilize to prevent violence in their communities. The second result is the finding of limited articulation between CEMs and local governments. This result is evidenced by the weak interinstitutional response in both districts and the limited attention to the demands of the facilitators during preventive actions. Likewise, in neither case were gender violence prevention policies incorporated into their municipal management instruments. Lastly, two types of recognition exist for the facilitators: social and institutional. The first comes from the vocation of service in accompanying their peers in denouncing acts of violence. The second is institutional recognition by the authorities. In the case of the SMP district, recognition has been an automatic process; the opposite has occurred in Callao, where the authorities have not recognized the facilitators' network as a social organization in preventing violence. Finally, recommendations are presented based on the limitations of women leaders to strengthen community participation in the fight against violence against women.
Organización de la comunidad--Perú--Lima, Mujeres en el desarrollo de la comunidad--Perú--Lima, Violencia contra la mujer--Perú--Lima
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