Consultoría de negocio para MEDLIFE
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente trabajo propone realizar una consultoría empresarial a MEDLIFE, una
organización no gubernamental estadounidense sin fines de lucro (en delante la ONG), que
inició sus operaciones en el año 2004, brindando apoyo a comunidades necesitadas en los
ámbitos médico, educativo y de desarrollo, y que opera a nivel nacional e internacional,
siendo el Perú, el principal país beneficiario de sus actividades. La ONG destaca por la
originalidad de su propuesta que consiste en la venta de paquetes turísticos; que representan
los servicios de ayuda; a sus clientes/voluntarios, y a través de los cuales genera la mayor
parte de su financiamiento.
La consultoría realizó un análisis de su situación general y contexto, apoyándose en
herramientas como los análisis FODA, PESTE, AMOFHIT, el análisis de la Matriz
VESTER y el Diagrama de la Espina de Ishikawa, para a través de los mismos, obtener un
diagnóstico de la organización que nos permitió identificar los problemas que esta enfrenta
y definir los problemas claves de la misma: la no diversificación de sus ingresos y su bajo
posicionamiento de marca en el mercado peruano.
Finalmente y sobre la base de los problemas claves identificados, se hizo una
encuesta a nivel de empresas formales, encontrándose un amplio rango que iba desde el
20% hasta el 60% de participación (dependiendo de su sector) de estas, participando en
proyectos de responsabilidad social, a los que dedican hasta un 10% de sus ingresos, lo que
se tomó en cuenta para proponer y evaluar diversas alternativas de solución que incluyen el
desarrollo de una cartera de productos, la promoción de esta cartera a dichos clientes
potenciales, la exposición a través de la participación en ferias empresariales y
estudiantiles, el contratar a un relacionista público y la conformación de un equipo
multidisciplinario, alternativa esta última que se consideró como la más adecuada, y por la
que se presentó un plan de implementación junto a sus respectivos resultados esperados para así ayudar a la ONG a optimizar sus dinámicas internas y externas, y a través de ello,
lograr alcanzar su visión y misión en concordancia con sus principios y valores.
Palabras Clave: ONG, consultoría empresarial, responsabilidad social empresarial,
modernización organizacional, cambio organizacional, entorno social, dinámicas internas y
externas de la ONG.
The present work proposes to carry out a business consultancy to MEDLIFE, an American, non-profit, non-governmental organization (hereinafter the NGO), which began operations in 2004, providing support to communities in need in the medical, educational and development fields, and that operates at national and international level, being Peru, the main beneficiary of its activities. The NGO stands out for the originality of its proposal, which consists in the sale of tourist packages; which represent its help services; to its clients/volunteers, and through which it generates most of its funding. The consultancy carried out an analysis of its general situation and context, relying on tools such as the SWOT, PESTE, AMOFHIT analyses, the VESTER Matrix analysis and the Ishikawa Spine Diagram, to obtain a diagnosis of the organization that allowed us to identify the problems it faces and define their key problems: the non-diversification of its income and its low brand positioning in the Peruvian market. Finally, and based on the key problems identified, a survey was conducted at the level of formal companies, finding a wide range from 20% to 60% (depending of their industry) of them participating in social responsibility projects, to which they dedicate up to the 10% of their income, situation taken into account to propose and evaluate various solution alternatives, that include the development of a product portfolio, its promotion to potential clients, the exposure through the participation in business and student fairs, the hiring of a public relations officer, and the creation of a multidisciplinary team, proposing the latter alternative which was considered the most appropriate, and for which an implementation plan was presented along with its expected results in order to help the NGO to optimize its internal and external dynamics, and through this, achieve its Vision and Mission in accordance with its principles and values.
The present work proposes to carry out a business consultancy to MEDLIFE, an American, non-profit, non-governmental organization (hereinafter the NGO), which began operations in 2004, providing support to communities in need in the medical, educational and development fields, and that operates at national and international level, being Peru, the main beneficiary of its activities. The NGO stands out for the originality of its proposal, which consists in the sale of tourist packages; which represent its help services; to its clients/volunteers, and through which it generates most of its funding. The consultancy carried out an analysis of its general situation and context, relying on tools such as the SWOT, PESTE, AMOFHIT analyses, the VESTER Matrix analysis and the Ishikawa Spine Diagram, to obtain a diagnosis of the organization that allowed us to identify the problems it faces and define their key problems: the non-diversification of its income and its low brand positioning in the Peruvian market. Finally, and based on the key problems identified, a survey was conducted at the level of formal companies, finding a wide range from 20% to 60% (depending of their industry) of them participating in social responsibility projects, to which they dedicate up to the 10% of their income, situation taken into account to propose and evaluate various solution alternatives, that include the development of a product portfolio, its promotion to potential clients, the exposure through the participation in business and student fairs, the hiring of a public relations officer, and the creation of a multidisciplinary team, proposing the latter alternative which was considered the most appropriate, and for which an implementation plan was presented along with its expected results in order to help the NGO to optimize its internal and external dynamics, and through this, achieve its Vision and Mission in accordance with its principles and values.
Consultoría, Organizaciones no gubernamentales