Responsabilidad del empleador por enfermedades ocupacionales: el tratamiento de la concausa
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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
El presente informe jurídico aborda la problemática de la aplicación de la
responsabilidad civil en el campo del Derecho Laboral, en específico en materia
de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo. El caso analizado corresponde a una
demanda de daños y perjuicios entablada por un ex trabajador, quien fue
diagnosticado con incapacidad parcial temporal por lumbalgia. El trabajador
alega el incumplimiento del deber de prevención de su empleador; sin embargo,
en sede casatoria la Corte Suprema admite la graduación de la indemnización
por mediar concausa del trabajador, ello porque a criterio de la Corte, el
trabajador ingresó a laborar voluntariamente a un puesto de trabajo que podía
ser perjudicial para su salud, en tanto sabía que padecía de una enfermedad
This legal report addresses the problem of the application of civil liability in the field of Labor Law, specifically in the area of Occupational Health and Safety. The case analyzed corresponds to a claim for damages filed by a former employee, who was diagnosed with temporary partial disability due to low back pain. The worker alleges the breach of the employer's duty of prevention; however, in cassation proceedings, the Supreme Court admits the graduation of the compensation due to the worker's causation, because in the Court's opinion, the worker voluntarily started working in a job that could be harmful to his health, since he knew that he suffered from a pre-existing disease.
This legal report addresses the problem of the application of civil liability in the field of Labor Law, specifically in the area of Occupational Health and Safety. The case analyzed corresponds to a claim for damages filed by a former employee, who was diagnosed with temporary partial disability due to low back pain. The worker alleges the breach of the employer's duty of prevention; however, in cassation proceedings, the Supreme Court admits the graduation of the compensation due to the worker's causation, because in the Court's opinion, the worker voluntarily started working in a job that could be harmful to his health, since he knew that he suffered from a pre-existing disease.
Seguridad industrial--Jurisprudencia--Perú, Enfermedades ocupacionales--Perú, Responsabilidad penal de las personas jurídicas--Perú
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